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Everything posted by ALuCsRED

  1. Personally, I hate teams retiring numbers. I would rather see teams honouring names/numbers on a wall or ring of honour. Football only has so many numbers, and the numbers are usually grouped for positions (1-19 for QB's/kickers, 20-39 for RB/FB/DB's,40/50's for LBs, 50/60's for OL,70's & 90's for DL, 80's for WR's) Same goes for Hockey. Too many lousy players with oddball numbers. Just look at the Canadiens' roster. Nobody can live up to or wear the numbers of their heroes anymore.
  2. Maybe Yantz out-duels Willy for the starting QB position? QB position does not count for the ratio. That's why most team's have never carried a Canadian as a QB (such as the 3rd QB).
  3. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtney_Smith_%28linebacker%29 I feel like holoman Perry Floyd wore #1 in 2011. He was the return specialist.
  4. The Bombers only pick 9th if they are the last place team. You give up the first round, 2nd round continues with same order. The 2nd round pick can range from 9th to 17th. Saskatchewan when Labette and Picard signed, picked Sam Hurl and Ben Heenan, traded for Xavier Fulton and Chris Patrick, found Kory Sheets, and traded for Odell Willis. An aging olineman, a mediocre lb, one legit ni talent and three draft picks? I'm sure nearly every year every team does the same.please give us an exampleRemember when the Riders signed Picard and Labatte when both in their prime?Are you suggesting that no team has signed 3 ni in a season before? Also for the draft picks remember how great Poblah turned out to be? I wouldn't be bragging about the guys we added just yet. I'd agree it's too soon to tell how the signings will pay off. But Walters has brought in more Canadians then any GM in recent history for the Bombers. To that I say well done Kyle! Of course he wouldn't have to bring in all these Canadians if the last two clowns had a hot clue on how to properly draft and retain Canadians.... Agree. Remember the Poblah.
  5. It's a Friday of a long weekend. They went to the lake.
  6. Impossible to say. I'm not happy about the Morgan pick either because that's not who I wanted to see, but we can't say "so and so would've been available" - it's pretty obvious that draft boards don't play out anywhere near what the media and fans expect. So while I'm not thrilled with the pick, it can't be called a waste at this point. Agreed it's impossible to say, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't think we got the expected value out of that pick that I was hoping for, especially considering how much Walters was pumping how great this draft was. After sleeping on it though, I think Walters had a solid draft, but he didn't hit a home-run like I was hoping for. A home-run for me would have been Chungh, Demski and Shortill. That would have been an A+ in my books. Instead, I give Walters a B. How could Walters have picked Demski and Shortfall at 11 and 15 when they were already gone? You may as well say they should have picked Mateas, Chungh and McEwan.
  7. Seems to solve a lot of issue by using the waggle and playing the slot
  8. According to Drew Edwards, Burris is making $450K per year. The others look about right to me.I believe Burris restructured this offseason where he got some extra bonus money against the 2014 cap, so that's likely where Penton got the $390k. So these aren't salaries for the year, but cap hit for the year. Generally speaking salaries are yearly pay plus bonus divided by years of a contract.
  9. The "Green and Goltz" but yet they wear yellow
  10. I think you guys are missing the fact that the CFL is a this year right now league. The Bombers are hosting the cup, and want to play in the cup. If they like what they see of Willy, they can give him that $100K or $200K signing bonus right after the season is over (when they actually know where they stand in relation to the salary cap). Willy is "our guy", signed a contract when he came over to be "our guy", and will sign again when the time is right to be "the guy" for the future.
  11. So the stories about finding guys at the Mini-Camps to replace Sears and Wild are only "half truth"? haha
  12. Hi Peoples, I brought this thread up because I keep seeing articles saying we need to replace both Wild and Sears. I know Wild signed with the Steelers. What's the story with Sears? My googling and searches are coming up empty. Thanks in advance.
  13. Chiarot / Buff Enstrom / Myers Stuart / Trouba Harrison and Pardy would have to sit
  14. Anyone from here at the game tonight? I am.
  15. I think we should make the rule that the game is decided by a coin toss at the end of the game. That being said, we shouldn't keep score either. Everyone Wins! #StupidRuleChanges
  16. Hmmm.... 2013 Round 3 Fitzgerald, Carl WR Saint Mary's 4 DiCroce, Michael WR McMaster 6 Alli, Stephen WR Florida 2012 Round 3 Aprile, Johnny WR Queen's 2011 Round 1 Etienne, Jade WR Saskatchewan 6 Mahoney, Liam WR Concordia
  17. Instead of Lighning & more Lightning?
  18. Judging by what I see at Bomber games, a significant percentage of those 20,951 STH are buying Royal Blue merch. Heck there are at least 3 Royal Blue #63 Walby jerseys in my own section, let alone the stadium. We only have one jersey that we are unbeaten wearing... Urban Camouflage. I have seen at least three people besides myself wearing these in the west Upper deck.
  19. Well 49 votes on here... and 20,951 season ticket holders not voting and still buying merchandise.
  20. I vote for the Signature Jersey with the Gold Helmets. Go Blue Bombers.
  21. I find it ironic that Baltimore Colts moved to Indianapolis, the Baltimore CFLers (with the attempted Colts name) changed into the Baltimore Stallions, and then were kicked out by the move of Cleveland to Baltimore. Now the Indianapolis Colts can actually be called the Indianapolis CFLers with the roster including Freeman, Muamba, Carter, and Heenan.
  22. The same could be said by running on 2nd down, using the timeout, throwing on 3rd to leave time for a 4th down if necessary.
  23. I was expecting to see David Braley (owner of BC Lions), David Braley (former Canadian Senator) and David Braley (owner of the Toronto Argos).
  24. Sounds like the rest of the league needs to learn to write contracts from the Braley group.
  25. Uh huh. Don't travel much to the US do you? Fly from WPG to NYC and you're looking at basically a full day and over a thousand bucks, due to the connections in TO or MPLS or MON or CHI. Whereas you can fly from Calgary (much further west) to NYC direct most of the year in 6 hours and 400 bucks. Fly from LA to WPG takes at least half a day. At least one connection. LA to Calgary is 3 hours, nonstop, and way cheaper. Not saying WPG is a travel backwater but its certainly not an easy or affordable place to leave. Not true. I just took a flight to LA in June, connected in Denver. Left at 8 AM local, arrived at 12 PM local (6 hours total) Exactly -- connection. I just did LA - Calgary last week. 3 hours. And because no connection, my luggage arrived with me. WPG airport is as cute as a bugs ear but it aint an international hub (though neither really is Calgary). You really can't appreciate how lousy that is until you live in the Northeast USA, and can literally hop a last minute flight to London for $399 and get there in half a day. Calgary has designs on becoming a much bigger airport though. They're on their way. It always boggled my mind that Winnipeg given it's position right in the middle of the bloody continent couldn't find a way to make itself a hub. Calgary either has spent or is in the process of spending $600,000,000 on airport expansion. With the Alberta economy in dange of flatlining, that may not have been wise but it is The Alberta Way. Winnipeg just spent $600,000,000 on it's airport upgrade. You don't get much for that price... http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/sky-high-burden-284126091.html
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