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Everything posted by Dascow

  1. If Medlock's available, O'Shea better be interested. That guy is a beast.
  2. Kohlert was one of my favorite players. He's not a flashy player but he catches everything that is thrown near him. The guy is money. Here is an interesting tidbit from the Free Press this morning: "Interestingly, a CFL source told the Free Press late Monday Kohlert had already agreed to terms with Winnipeg and wants to remain here. That leaves the possibility the 25-year-old Saskatchewan product could wait until February and re-sign with the Bombers as a free agent." http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/draft-betters-blues-odds-on-collaros-236152441.html I really hope he waits and re-signs with the Bombers.
  3. Again, I'm not sure why Reed shouldn't even be an option. Please expand... The reason I consider Reed an option is because he had a good defence when he was here and he has lots of experience. The lack of experience throughout this organization right now is making me nervous. Now, not only does Reed have experience as a DC he also has experience as a head coach, which could be valuable to a rookie head coach like O'Shea.
  4. The year that Kavis Reed was our DC our defence was pretty good. So I am curious as to why he would be a no for you? What were you watching in 2010? Cleo Lemon made Kavis Reed look like a fool every time he played us. In 2010 the Bombers were the second best team in yards allowed and had the best defence against the pass. (Again, in terms of yards allowed.) In terms of points per game the #1 team gave up 24 points a game where as the Bombers gave up a whopping 3 more points on average per game. That's with a pile of crap for an offence that often did not leave the defence in great position. When Kavis Reed was here, he did a good job. Again, I just don't understand why he would be a definite no for someone.
  5. The year that Kavis Reed was our DC our defence was pretty good. So I am curious as to why he would be a no for you?
  6. Kavis Reed for DC.
  7. The Toast King of the Moon would never approve it!
  8. I don't remember a season where there were so many losses that were not even close. Were the games in the reinebold era frequently that lop sided?
  9. So he's injured but they're not putting him on the Injured list...what's the advantage of that?
  10. That depth chart shows Sims-Walker as a back-up SB. I thought he was hurt and not playing this week? Am I missing something?
  11. There's nothing here I can really disagree with. I think you hit the nail on the head. That being said, I still can't blame Burke for trying to make a case for himself. It's not going to work, because there are major flaws in his argument, (As you pointed out.), but I can see why he would try. I think most people in his situation would try the same thing.
  12. The title of this thread is: Burke's lost his mind. He hasn't lost his mind, he's trying to put his best argument forward to save his job. I can't fault him for that, even if I don't agree with some of the things he said. The fact is there are deficiencies in player personal on this team and there is a lack of scouting. (The lack of scouting seems to have been a problem for the last 2 decades. Why does that never seem to get fixed?) What he failed to mention was the deficiencies in coaching, which obviously he would not do if he is trying to save his job. And obviously the comment about the team at least being competitive is a complete joke too. The Bombers have lost by an Avg. 14 points this season. That's not competitive. The reality is though that this interview is meaningless because there is no chance he will be back next year anyways. So let's not get all hot and bothered by it. If he was brought back, then at this time next year the Bombers would be firing 3 people, not just one. (Miller, Walters & Burke.) I have a feeling that if Walters came to Miller and said that he was keeping Burke on, Miller would throw him out on his ass before the sentence was even finished.
  13. Since week four the Bombers have lost by an average of 17 points a game. For the whole season I believe it is 14 points per lose on average. It feels like the Bombers are generally out of the game by the end of the first quarter. I think apathy is understandable at this point.
  14. But not to us. And we were going to lose Hall, so it's all good. And since when did any team's fan base not downgrade a player they just traded? It's the second round pick, (10th overall.), that baffles me a little. If it was Hall for Nuefeld strait up, that would have been fair. But a 2nd round pick as well? I think we overpaid.
  15. At first glance this does not look like a good trade at all. The Riders were probably going to lose Nuefeld in the dispersal draft anyways. So for a back up o-lineman who would have been lost in the off-season anyways and a 4th round pick, the Riders got a 2nd round pick and the best d-lineman in the CFL. According to some of the Rider fans, Nuefeld was got very good this year, which is part of the reason he got beat out by Heenan.
  16. I was at the game and to me it felt like when everyone was standing and cheering when Buck came in, that is was for Buck and not to **** on the team. I don't see why people would actually stand and cheer if it wasn't for Buck. Previous to that when people where chanting "we want Buck", that may have been the "F-U" to the team. Bob Irving interviewed 2 players last night and asked them about the indecent. Terence Edwards was upset with the fans. Bryant Turner thought it was a nice tribute to Buck. (I think it was Bryant Turner. It was someone on defence.) So I don't believe that everyone in the locker room was upset by it and I do believe there were some who were cheering for buck and not against the Bombers when he got that standing ovation. That's just my take on it.
  17. Thanks Mike for the insight. That's a big kid. He seems more like a LB/S type. Ian Wilde has been good this year so I wonder if there looking to replace Muamba...
  18. Does anyone know the names of the players that were being worked out?
  19. January is our left tackle and he is ok. Shannon Boatman is the RT and he is horrendous. It's sad that we are wasting an import spot on him.
  20. You don't see how we anyone might be able to do better than Denmark, Anderson or D. Pierce? Well, we definitely signed anyone. NFL cuts are happening as we speak. It just seems there should be better options out there. I guess my standards are too high.
  21. What's the point of signing Aaron Kelly? I don't see how he improves this team.
  22. You are absolutely right about that. There is no way I am just going down there on a whim. It may take me some time, but I am definitely going to make sure all my ducks are in a row before I do anything.
  23. Thanks guys for the help. The reason I want to buy in the US is because I can't get it here. I am looking for a Ford Fusion Hybrid. The 2014 models are out in the US already but in Canada we only have 2013. That is making it almost impossible to get what I want. The 2014 stock isn't coming for a while yet and the 2013 stock is fairly depleted. I found a vehicle at a dealer in Minneapolis but I don't know how to go about getting it here. And how to "Canadianize" it, so to speak. Doctor Handsome, the link that you posted should help, I will take a look at it. Thanks. iso_55, it looks like Pacific Motors only does used vehicles.
  24. Is there a way to do it? Has anyone here attempted to buy a new car in the United States and bring it back to Manitoba? If so, how did you go about doing it?
  25. I doubt it. There is no change to the team whatsoever. Why would a leak about firing Mack make people want to buy a ticket? The person who leaked the information should step down.
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