This debate was quite a bit different than the other debates. I guess it was the set up, the moderator and the debaters. I’ve never really heard the reverend before but he was quite good in that he stuck to what he wanted to say and mostly stayed away from trading barbs with Loeffler.
Other than a few comments, I haven’t heard from Loeffler either. But if she was trying to reach the common folk of Georgia, she failed.
It’s hard to believe her “American Dream” talk would resonate with these people. I guess she’s implying all you have to do is find a very rich guy, marry him and get appointed to the Senate. No problem eh?
And you sure could tell what her focal point was. ‘Radical’. She must have used that term 20 times in calling him radical and the left as being radical.
It wasn’t really believable, what with his demeanour, and his history. But she tried.