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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. No, just tirents.
  2. When Mike talks...we listen.
  3. GOOD CFL news...
  4. I would bet that TSN would get a good audience for re-broadcasting 2019 games. If I worked for them, I would surely propose it. Thursday, they could overtake ‘Overdrive’ (expert analysis of the day’s biggest sports stories), Friday and Saturday, they have plenty of room, especially with doubled up coverage. For instance, they’re showing the Western Final again (second or third time?) on Friday, but at 2:30 Eastern time. I know they’ve shown it on July 3rd because they list that date as the original air date. So that’s a space filler example. If they advertised it properly, they’d get the audience. As to the contract with the CFL? I’m sure there’d be no problem..
  5. I know TSN missed a golden opportunity by not airing 2019 games all year long in the corresponding weeks this year. I’m not sure which week’s games would have been played but I would have tuned in like 40 bears, starting tomorrow.
  6. Bejebus, how can the heads of the GOP not explode when they see tweets like this?
  7. This note is what Dale Hawerchuk was all about..
  8. CNN fact check: Trump falsely suggests...👁‍🗨 Tuesday Aug18, a busy day for Donnie boy:- Trump misleadingly cited recent increases in reported European coronavirus cases to suggest the U.S. is doing better than European countries whose case levels are far lower.- He falsely claimed former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden committed "treason."- He made a baseless blanket declaration that college football players would not have serious problems with the coronavirus because they are very fit.- He falsely suggested New York City has recently fired a large number of police officers.- And he wrongly suggested that he has signed an executive order that prevents evictions.👁‍🗨 Quite a day even for the fool on the hill. To see the actual facts...https://apple.news/A94V4yvBGQPuyk4bo6xLG3A
  9. Just 6 of Trump's top 38 donors have given to his 2020 reelection bidPresident Donald Trump is failing to attract millionaire and billionaire mega-donors who've given to him in the past, according to a New York Times report.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has raked in massive sums from mega-donors. Pro-Biden super PACs have gathered a combined $45 million in dark money so far this cycle, Business Insider reported on Monday.
  10. Republicans bailing on the current administration.
  11. Yes, 2019 was quite the season. The thing that I remember best, upon review, was not only beating Calgary in the semi, beating Sask. in the final (extra sweet) and then beating the ‘superior’ Hamilton Ti-Cats in the Grey Cup, but there’s something else we beat in that run and that was the odds. 3 games on the road with a newly installed QB. Talk about drama. Talk about a team coming together. Thank goodness I still have those 3 games recorded..
  12. As hard as it is for us fans, it must be crushing for his fellow teammates...
  13. I actually like something Bo has said..
  14. A moving tweet.. “He called me yesterday to thank me for our friendship and to say goodbye. “
  15. Yes, I agree, and if this season hadn’t been aborted, there was a good chance for this year too.
  16. Monday - bad news Tuesday - worse news Wednesday - stay in bed?
  17. Facepalm...or very hard slap to the Kushy face..
  18. Good grief! I never thought it would hit me this hard! 😢
  19. What a fool. To point out the number of deaths was higher than she reported? To indicate that it was a taped message instead of live? Which means of course, that they were prepared. Something Trump knows nothing about.
  20. Exactly right. I think the key word there is “reportedly”. I don’t doubt they were invited. As to speaking, well, again, reportedly.
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