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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. Portland is now witnessing a standoff between protesters and an administration that continues to ratchet up its heated rhetoric to (falsely) describe the city as being in a state of total chaos and anarchy. While there have been incidents of rioting at night, including people launching fireworks at the federal building, setting fires outside, and allegedly attacking federal agents, the focal point of that activity largely centers on the city block housing the federal building. Despite the President's descriptions, Portland is not a city under siege. Mayor Ted Wheeler;"This is clearly a waste of federal resources and it's getting increasingly dangerous," he said, referring to the teams of agents protecting the federal building, who routinely clash with some rioters at night. "We did not ask the feds to be here, we do not want them here. They're not helping the situation, they're not appropriately trained and we're demanding that they leave."https://apple.news/Aj_RA8nn1R_2vWiN_1qzcRw
  2. Person. Male. Removal. Outside. Building.
  3. Something anyways...
  4. .@FarhanLaljiTSN: Final decision on CFL season may not happen until closer to the end of July. Cutting it closer and closer.
  5. https://3downnation.com/2020/07/23/tsn-analyst-glen-suitor-defends-randy-ambrosie-from-player-attacks/ A pretty good article by the staff at 3downnation and ....Glen Suitor.Try and read it.
  6. Well done. That oughta stick in trumps claws.
  7. The tweet trended on the social media site, and by midday Sunday had been “liked” over 598,000 times and retweeted over 170,000 times. 👁‍🗨 Which tweet is that you ask? “Unprecedented, historic corruption: an American president commutes the sentence of a person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president,” Utah senator Romney said Saturday morning on Twitter. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-11/romney-lights-up-twitter-by-condemning-trump-s-move-on-stone?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=business&cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic
  8. Fist-shaking-worthy type clouds?
  9. So, replacing Ambrosie will fix everything?
  10. OK, now I’m confused. And the survey says...
  11. He’s not cognitive for this...
  12. I’d like to hear what all those people who were praising Ron DeSantis for such a wonderful job he was doing just a few weeks ago, say now.
  13. To no one’s surprise...
  14. Another cherished monument bites the dust...
  15. Agreed. Especially after he had someone go over the bigger words with him..
  16. For those who are interested... Looks like Seattle’s NHL franchise is going to reveal its team name tomorrow.
  17. Do I really have to remind you how quickly things have changed in the last 33 days?
  18. From June 19, 2020
  19. Now it’s the fake president's followers who are protesting...
  20. Impossible is a word I’ve rarely seen used.
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