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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Pete Catan's Ghost last won the day on February 2 2020

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    South Kildonan

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  1. Arkells shall rise triumphant
  2. I don't care who performs just as long as they aren't interviewed during the game. Keith Urban is not alone in this criticism.
  3. With all of life's uncertainty and chaos, there will be something mildly comforting in watching him amble onto the field for very limited reps.
  4. Ended up with Wesmen. In hindsight, it was the right move.
  5. My daughter was once actively recruited by Mississippi State to play volleyball. After much exploration and hard discussion, she declined a full ride scholarship.
  6. I will actually be choked if Alexander doesn’t sign with Hammy.
  7. In one signing, Logan took out Augustine and Lucky.
  8. Still no official signing of Lawler by Hammy?
  9. Benson’s agent takes advantage of additional cap space. First CFL longsnapper to sign for over $250000. Haha.
  10. Given that RBs are one of his areas of expertise, I’m interested in seeing how the new OC formulates his backfield with BO, Logan, and Streveler.
  11. Tuesday at 11:00 central. Surprise acquisitions/trades? Which team(s) will use their newly found wealth to open a Pandora’s box and break the handshake deal to reacquire a player?
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