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Everything posted by CodyT

  1. One of the comments reads "People in Hamilton can barely speak English" hahaha
  2. I don't remember. I retract my statement. I just remember having that "feeling" that we weren't going to get the job done. With some time to think, I think it's because we were so conditioned to losing.
  3. Ramalleh and les saj are both good but neither come close to touching the east coast style, and even some of the good joints in the west. There's a spot in edmonton near the stadium that is ******* fantastic. I'd put Brandon's shwarama queen in the running with the other winnipeg spots. Really like the sweet sauce in brandon
  4. I just always remember him being "meh" and we were happy to have him because we'd had a terrible string of qbs before him. Maybe I don't give him enough credit. But I do remember getting into playoff games and thinking, Nichols ain't gonna get the job done Glenn I liked watching play when he was on. Was a better version of Trevor Harris in his glory days imo
  5. I think Glenn could go out and win games occasionally. Nichols through and through was a game manager though.
  6. What sucks in my opinion, is they finally get a big crowd. And they look like a peewee football team. Just feeds into the Toronto narrative.. Oh well. Gonna be fun to play against Fajardo
  7. Isn't it ridiculous to think their are actual people on the internet who are certain they would roster the team better. Even after going to four grey cups in a row ... it's almost like, you know, our coaches... they know what they're doing! Comical Also, go bombers baby I was a fan before it was cool!!! I was a fan before it was cool!!;)
  8. I'm 30 and I don't know any of those people but Pete
  9. Charlie was my favourite player.. very seldomly do you see a player that can't be replicated in history. He was one of a kind
  10. Maybe they'll hire booch as his consultant
  11. And one more thought while it's prevalent.. Does it seem like zc is purposely playing a run and gun offense even when it's not necessary this year? It seems as though we're always looking for the deep shot when a first down would suffice.. Is it because of all the weapons we have on offence? Maybe someone with more direct football knowledge could comment on this
  12. You're right, I agree. But to me, there was some blatant blatant offside calls missed today. Another poster said the d was lining up off side too, I didn't notice that so I can't speak to it. But I did notice the Bombers receivers offside a lot yesterday. I think 17to85 had it right. It never felt like the game got away from the Bombers. They just kept shooting themselves in the foot. They could move the ball at will and then, we'll, litterly fumbled it away. Credit to Richie hall and the defence for the great adjustments. Also bighill looked like a machine. Hopefully this team will now finally stop letting its foot off the gas and we can see its full potential at the key time of year
  13. I'll be honest, I saw our guys off side several times tonight. Lucky they weren't called
  14. Sheesh glad I didn't show up here till after the game. God this team is infuriating. Can't play defence. Then plays fantastic defence. 3 turnovers by Zach today. Tried to lose. Drive after drive to the redzone and turnovers and fgs. Wild wild game
  15. He played relatively well for his first ever start. Maybe not a "great" game ha. We had a chance to win it right till the end. ******* Dinwiddie should have ran for the first down
  16. I was at that grey cup, as a 13 year old kid. Flew all the way to watch Dinwiddie throw an "interception" to seal the Bombers fate. Saw him at the airport and told him he played a great game. I'll never forget those memories. That's why I think it's important to get kids invested in the cfl... I am still a big fan to this day
  17. Maiden is also my favourite band of all time... Green day is a good get for the cfl and a nice change up from "country" music
  19. I'm not saying this theory is right or wrong, but to merely play devils advocate. Is it possible that him not using the new rule, or staying loyal to players ( roster management ) actually works to his advantage in anyway? There may be a locker room effect that the players respect his stubbornness in his ways. I don't know. I type that out and now it sounds like nonsense I didn't mean to imply that you had said he had lost the room. I was just making note that over a tenure this long typically you see coaches wear out their welcome. Not the case with Mike. 17to85 nailed it, you come off a little strong with some of your wording
  20. Booch, I understand you know the game well. Among the most knowledgeable on this site. It seems as though you are really slaggin osh the past few months... Nobody is above criticism but damn man, he's taken us to 3 gcs in a row and an unfathomable good record. Never once heard of him losing the room in the slightest. Gotta be lucky to be good, but also good to be lucky... I'd say he's doing something right
  21. Seems pretty motivated to me. It " **SEEMS** like he just wants to play. I guess we'll find out now Nothing I've seen from kap in my humble opinion is prima Donna, just blacklisted. I'm not interested in political discussion here but there's no doubt he's been blacked balled by the nfl Ffs we signed Pacman Jones..
  22. Kap is definitely a side show for the cfl. I for one, think he could actually play, and play well. 7 years removed from pro football is a long time. But I'd say he's a better qb than Johnny manziel ever was. I think it would be an interesting grab for the cfl and would catch a lot of eyes. I'm for it
  23. Somewhere in the middle is just fine 🙂
  24. Anyone have our attendance numbers in the tim Burke Mike Kelly eras
  25. You are completely right. 100%
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