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Everything posted by CodyT

  1. Then why haven't we held Pelosi or McConnell accountable. Why have we not as a democracy decided that single handedly the most important law we need passed regarding elections is to take the money out. No campaign donations over 100 dollars. Why is this not discussed at all by the politicians. It should all start right there. No more campaign donations in exchange for back room favours. This is an obvious and logical change. Why are we not livid about that?
  2. I mean sure your right in principal. You're right in the short term. But an overhaul change is required regardless. Corrupt is still corrupt though. We shouldn't roll over and die because ones less corrupt than the other I am a second generation ukranian here in Canada. I feel bad for my people because when the war comes to an end the usa will own our beautiful country. Yes, again, the lesser of two evils and necessary But talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Trump was blasted in his cnn town hall for saying he " wanted people to stop dying ". Man, take away whos saying that and he's right. Ukraine is caught in a war between USA and Russia .
  3. Noted-- I wasn't aware of the long list. I listened to him on a couple of podcasts and interviews and he struck me as articulate and good intentioned. That's too bad I guess my point is why exactly do we obsess over who's better and who's worse when they are both ****** awful. The Republicans more awful than the democrats but is THAT really where our attention should be focused? We live in corruption. That should be the focus. A two party system to represent 365 million people is unacceptable. When the two leading candidates of their parties won't have debates against their rivals... what kind of democracy is that? Everytime their is a crisis -- the wealthiest people profit and the lower and middle class suffer. Bank it. The USA funded pfiezer to create the vaccine ..pfiezer made 1000 every second from the covid vaccine. 100 billion dollars in profit in 2022 Germans funded Ntech. When it came to the profits, the companies took the profits. Where's the kickback to the tax payers? Two thirds of congress accepted campaign funding from the pharmaceutical industry.
  4. Ha. Because you can't put him in a box? Discusses his previous drug addictions and talks to people like human beings instead of robots? Is interested in providing social programs and focusing less on being world police and more on making his country better? God, you guys are so predictable. What exactly do you know about him? He has a difference in view of you than covid. What else? It's equally frightening for me in your unwavering support of Biden. Imagine the restraint I show without backhanded remarks And yet nobody denies that the politicians are involved in insider trading, that the government is run by corporations and politicians take kick backs from the laws they pass. The thought that gains a response from you is that rfk would be an interesting candidate. That's what concerns you. Corruptions everywhere. Heard mentality.People have no sense of critical thinking anymore For you guys it's cnn, for the right wings it's fox news. Rfk absolutely seems like a possible option if biden and trump are the standard. Pretty low bar, man
  5. Sanders would have been an interesting choice. I thought he was a revolutionary until he let the dnc **** him over and accepted a job with the same party that screwed him RFK would be an interesting leader that I could get behind.
  6. I agree with that wholeheartedly just seems like my whole post gets overlooked and it's back to "trump" Tribalism..
  7. The dude smoking Crack driving down the interstate with a hooked, videoing it. Not a great idea private citizen or not. Your probably right there is nothing on Biden. Accept for the fact he gets lost reading the teleprompter, falls asleep in meetings, has his questions pre received on que cards to answer questions, shakes hands with the air, makes off the cuff comments that are atleast accidently racist. I can't fathom imagining Biden is actually running anything. They just plop him up on stage. Call me a conspiracy theorist all you want, but until money is taken out of politics I believe America is run by corporate entities. When you have companies pledging exuberant amounts of cash it isn't out of the goodness of their hearts. Both the democrats and Republicans do this. Obama killed many many innocent civilians in the name of freedom. Was it justified? I'm not sure--- it's above my understanding America has absolutely destroyed many many countries in the name of freedom. Freedom? I think not. Corporate greed and oil money . Dems and republicans
  8. Their is transcripts of hunter on the phone to make the payment if he wants to talk to the "big man" though, right? Maybe not direct evidence but I think it would be foolish to believe nothing funny has happened in the past. Look at Nancy Pelosi, and almost every politician in the USA should be charged for insider trading. Just because there's nothing hard to prove its happening doesn't make it untrue. The left wing parties used to be anti military industrial complex, not sure whats going on there but which ever party is in power they seem to love going to war. When you have a military undustrial complex that profits off of war, you have war When you have a health care system that profits off of sickness, you have sickness When you have energy companies profiting off of crisis, you have crisis. When we live in a society that breed profitability off of chaos, we live in a perpetual state of chaos. if anybody is skeptical of the democratic party at all on here they are laughed away. The truth is the democrats are just as corrupt as the republicans. Too much tribalism and not enough things are taken on a case by case basis. Just my humble opinion Regardless, the democrats need a new leader. Biden can't function properly and anybody who says otherwise has their head in the sand. Terrifying that either him or trump are the leaders of the free world. Baffles me in a country of 360 million people this is the best they can come up with
  9. Maybe I missed it, but all this talk about trump and absolutely nothing ( the last few pages anyway ) about Biden taking foreign cash to the tune of 20 million plus. If it were trump I'd be a huge story. I'm sure he has too, but Biden is the sitting president..
  10. I was just in response to some of the conversations in this thread. No idea how argo "fan" feels Also, its tired making the single argo fan jokes. I wish you guys would get some support over there
  11. Havent been able to keep up on here much lately, but did some catching up. Some people think the argos might go undefeated? Sheesh. Kellys played like 7 games. Kids good but hes not nearly as good as rourke was. Nevermind him going down with injury. Hes going to have some bad games
  12. Jones, looking mike Kelly esque
  13. Been really busy so haven't been able to check in as much... where's dod? Odds n sods and gin and what not. Have I been missing it? I appreciate the post game segments , hh , odds, etc Someone on here was doing a full week's worth of coaches comments and news. That was great. Which reminds me where is the anonymous segment on 3downnation.com
  14. Take it for what it's worth but pigrome did not look like a pro qb in the training camp sessions I attended... frankly I was surprised he made the team even with the pre season effort
  15. One thing I was dissapointed in today, were some ( a very small margin mind you ) booing the offense at certain times We've been to 3 grey cups in a row. Had won 18 of 19 at home. And people are booing. God pull it together, people
  16. First time I've seen a bomber team out played like that in 3 years... I was at the game tonight and kept thinking ok this drive they will get it going. Just wasn't going to happen. We were physically handled tonight. A lot of bruises to wake up with tomorrow for the good guys, to be sure. Usually in games like this one of our phases will give us some moment. Not tonight. Beat in all 3 areas. Hats off to BC. We've got some competition this year in the west. Also good for Vernon adams. He looked good. The league needs good qbing
  17. To be fair, we don't really know what he is. He hasn't gotten much playing time. He does show flashes of being a good player
  18. Reminds me of a Canadian Fred Reid. I agree with you though. He's the explosive type of runner.
  19. I don't think so. I think many, myself included have considered him the best kr we've ever seen wear blue n gold. This goes back to last year I told my buddies at a game last year he belongs in the nfl
  20. I'll be honest, gondola, as pricey as it may be. Is amongst my favourites. I really enjoy thin crust and to me they are the best at it That being said, verns pizza is more like a ****** sandwich than a pizza. It's also good. And of course Santa lucia the in-between is great
  21. I too remember. Very sad story. He frequented our bombers quite a bit. RIP..
  22. Wait just for confirmation.. harris isn't playing Friday because Dickenson did more dumb ****??? Hahaha man. Riders. That's awesome
  23. Castillo a "money" signing
  24. This ain't good but if I know one thing about a mike oshea team they usually know how to press reset and win the game Would be very surprised if we didn't find a way to pull it out. Knock on wood Only in the cfl
  25. Yes sir. Was ****** bonkers
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