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Everything posted by CodyT

  1. Hey why did Mitchell not go in the game? I read on 3 down they were going to give him some playing time for a proper send off. I actually respected what he said, too. Then he apparently refused to go in??, I missed the game but wtf This move screams toronto, you're right
  2. But we can agree this is strange right? Like Rourke has clearly looked over a lot of realities, too. Dudes got a good shot at the NFL and he's playing on a 70 k salary. I get the athletes want to play and are naturally competitve, but if it is as so many here say it to be, this is down right dumb on his behalf
  3. Regarding Rourke. Maybe I'm misinformed here, or just hopeful, but does the team not have the kids best interests in mind? I just feel like if they thought he had a good chance of getting hurt they wouldn't play him. I saw the study booch put up with the soccer/rugby players. Surely Rourke himself has seen it or something similar I really just find it hard to believe THAT level of neglect would happen in a pro league, even if it is the CFL. It just seems strange. There's more to the story
  4. Bernie is a good man and at one time I thought he could be a revolutionary. The way he fell In line after the DNC snubbed him twice made me re think that. One of the few politicians I could proudly stand behind, though
  5. I guess I should get off my high horse. Not really though. If the average attendances listed above are accurate we've been somewhat consistent That being said, I really only became a die hard fan in 2005. Jim Dailey on. So as a fan, prior to 2019 I watched a lot of ineptitude as a young fan. Being dramatic on 28 years? Probably. Not winning a grey cup in that span, especially with an 8-9 team league is quite awful. I do agree that if we had lost 19 in a row our attendance would dip significantly. Thanks for the insight and the information all
  6. You know what I love about die hard bomber fans? Through 29 years of losing, dismal management and coaching. Some real terrible terrible teams. Bomber fans still showed up to the games. I could be wrong but never do I remember a single game under 20 k. Nevermind 12k. Everyone gives Saskatchewan the title for best fans because the riders are all they have. The reality is the Bombers have always been relevant in our province. Win or lose. With, or without the Jets Kudos On another note though, I hate that I end of cheering for other teams to win games for the sake of the viability of the league. I shouldn't have to root for Edmonton to win a home game so they can start getting attendance up again. Cheering for Chris Jones to have success just seems... wrong Nonetheless I feel bad for Elks fans. Good on the ones who stick around
  7. 1000%,. Had a few people in my life say the bombers/ or Riders are their "second" favorite team. Uh yeah, no. Uncultured swine
  8. Faj going to be a back up somewhere but it won't be Edmonton, I don't think
  9. Doubt it with Chris Jones past comments
  10. Is this the likely thought process?
  11. Well I had a small amount of worry playing bc in the playoffs. After tonight, that anxiety is gone. The reality is the Bombers beat themselves. Bc was bad tonight
  12. Bad toss. Not a bad showing for the kid though
  13. Lieggs missing 3 hurts. Even if he connects on one of those were in decent shape
  14. Hard to argue with that right now. Kids starting to find rythem. This ain't pre season either. Real time
  15. @Noellerthoughts on leggs tonight?
  16. Thxs for the insight. My thought was without stove our interior lacks
  17. Question to our posters with high football iq. What's up with our d line? Maybe I'm wrong here but it seems this season we get decent pressure but we aren't getting the sacks
  18. I was wrong about the team for the blowout prediction
  19. Bombers smoke em tonight. Just a gut feeling. I think we blow them out with our back ups Wild take but well see
  20. Based on the reactions here its split down the middle ha ha
  21. I don't know where to put this so I'm just going to put it in this thread. After a year or two of having only 2 or 3 major threads, I've decided I hate it. I realize I'm probably in the minority but imo it really takes away discussion because the topics are moving so quickly. Anyone share this sentiment?
  22. Just watched the bear on Disney. Great story telling. Great character development. If you've ever worked in a restaurant atmosphere, or more importantly enjoy shows with substance. This is a great series Haven't watched anything this compelling in a long while
  23. So here's my situation right now; I took my brother to Niagra falls. We spent the first night in a really nice place but was far away from the "action". So we decided let's stay in the thrift lodge, right on the main street in the heart of the action. There's ******* karaokee going on right outside our room till 2 am. Atleast I have the game to watch right? Nope. Don't have the channel. Man I never understood karokee. You guys all ******* stink. Shut up Ever in Niagra? Avoid thriftlodge at all costs
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