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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. Bighill was a great player for us.
  2. What does that look like, 15-20 reps? For that I'd argue you're better off using Schemekel, Sampson or a new draftee.
  3. Hey, in another ten years, he'll be a decent 6th defenseman.
  4. Worst one in the league
  5. On Kolo at center, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  6. Waiting on an OC announcement be like
  7. Other than Dobson, us losing those players isn't our fault. 2 guys went home to BC, two chose work outside of football and one went to the NFL and then went closer to home and closer to his girlfriend's work.
  8. How do you know he's not showing up at posters homes and doing just this?
  9. I'll give you the first two but the Riders? Nah Bra
  10. Um when the morning coffee kicks in and nature calls?
  11. Harris was great for us and a big key to the turnaround that started in 2016. Its too bad he's dead to us.
  12. It help us win a Cup (albeit indirectly)
  13. They played the conference championship games already?
  14. Like them or hate them, Chiefs are doing something remarkable
  15. Hopefully our scouts find some OL and DL gems.
  16. So let's mull this over. Last year, we move on from Jeffcoat due to his injury history and price. It seems we are doing the same this year with Bighill. (I am fine with both moves). However Jake Thomas manages to be brought back yet again? What the heck? @Mike congrats.
  17. JOD says that's our new team captain.
  18. Somewhere there are a group of people with nets looking for MBT.
  19. Its the same old song that's been killing Bomber fans since the kick in 22 went wrong...........
  20. Kelly and Wallace both showed last year they have starters upside or could start in a pinch and you seem to think Jake can. Jake was fine in 2019 but that's six years ago. Now he's taken up SMS $ that could be allocated elsewhere, a roster spot that could be used elsewhere. At a certain point you need to move on. If Winnipeg didn't sign him, nobody in the CFL does.
  21. BO, Demski, Woli, Clercius, Wallace, Neufeld, Kolo, Eli Kramdi, Lawson, Kelly, your point about needing Canadian depth or potential starters is false.
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