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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. Schoen sounds like a Canadian Mafia guy.
  2. No, I still hate the Riders.
  3. On no party being willing to privatize healthcare. We just had the first debate for the leadership of the Federal Conservative Party where candidates argued over who supported a bunch of traitors who blocked national borders the most. In the words of Kevin Garnett, "Anything is possible."
  4. I got my first dose a year ago and I am still here. Guess those Anti Vaxxers were wrong about us being dead in a year.
  5. What a scouting database they have there. I mean at 38, he's younger than John Chick or Luc Mullinder but not by much.
  6. Team has done well developing UDFA OL, Cody Speller comes to mind.
  7. Chris Jones needs a life time ban from the CFL.
  8. Agree on Famous Dave's. Food is not as good, portions are smaller, service is awful.
  9. What's the benefit to the "Deep State" to turn people into zombies?
  10. Gretzky talked about defense? Did he ever back check once in his entire career?
  11. Wade Miller doesn't have the career that he did if there was no ratio. Walters likely never makes it to his current position as the best GM without the ratio allowing him to begin in the league as a player. MOS maybe never gets a fair shot and a HOF career never happens
  12. If you get rid of the ratio and lower Canadians on the roster, you'd be left with another football league that will quickly die. These proposals are terrible. No cap increase for ten years?
  13. Liam, come back, you can blame it all on us. We were wrong and we just can't live without you.
  14. I am excited to see how the Hallett bros, Rene and Ford do in the secondary. Have to assume there is a good possibility that one of the spots in the secondary goes National.
  15. I can say without hyperbole that this is the greatest TC roster ever assembled in the history of TC rosters.
  16. A little nugget from Tait's latest piece, a plan B for the ratio if their is an OL injury is using 2 on D. Good piece as always, thought it was interesting.
  17. I used to be with it, then they changed what it is. Now what I am isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary. It'll happen to you.
  18. Outside of Toronto/Van/Mtl, shouldn't we be trying to appeal to those markets?
  19. I wonder if companies move out of Republican states and into Democratic ones. Texas has something like 10% of the Fortune 500, how many move?
  20. I like the Tre Ford pick by Edmonton.
  21. Let's be honest, very few of us have amazing knowledge of CIS football. I know some do, but many of us (raises my hand) don't. That said, whomever the Bombers pick are going to excellent value from round 2 to round 8.
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