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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. I couldn't get the site to load.
  2. Chad Owens isn't even the best player on his team.
  3. 9 for 24 (37.5%) , 87 yards passing with 4 ints. Can we cut him now?
  4. I'd add Porter and show Clement the old apple and road map.
  5. Hamilton is playing in an inadequete stadium and we have to shell out $ for millionaire Bob Young. Let him pay for the lost reevenue. They didn't have to teardown Ivor Wynne.
  6. Its a pre-season game. Relax. Looks like Jake Thomas and Ryan Lucas can be soild rotation DL guys. Harris and Anderson sounded good. Goltz sounded ok. Etienne and Carter too.
  7. That's another thing, why move to a city with a drug addict for a mayor.
  8. Bluto, Winnipeg is their new home. They don't want to live in Ontario what with Wynne continuing Dalton's Run em into the ground legacy.
  9. Chicago has a big rep for political corruption.
  10. From hearing Burke on the radio today sounds like Pencer as a backup tackle (46 maybe), possible starter later this year or likely next.
  11. Now he's playing SAM? Doche. Hope he trys to steal Lewis's Baconators and gets knocked out.
  12. How bad was Dewitt or has Kowalchuk improved (ie learned you don't snap it over the QB's head)?
  13. So he wanted to much $$$ and got cut? That makes sense. I agree terific player.
  14. Why was Horne cut? Want an NFL shot?
  15. Remember when Bamba was a huge prospect?
  16. So TJH has been with Winnipeg, Hamilton, Saskatchewan and Calgary? Am I missing a team A new secondary has to hurt To.
  17. I like Buck. Very nice guy. Team player, leader but his health is too big a concern for me.
  18. Why does Buck get a pass from Burke being upset with the vets? Somebody call in and ask him.
  19. Demond Washington.
  20. Surprised by this. Would have liked them to trade him if needed but felt he deserved a chance to start the season with the team. Don't like his antics but he's a freaking good halfback. I think he ends up in Saskatchewan or Toronto.
  21. Jones is a good coordinator. However he's teams play unethically and take way to many cheap shots. CFL needs to start fineing that team and Jones for the good of the game.
  22. We had an average but developing OL last year. One that improved as the year went on and looked much better near the end. January is a good tackle. Greaves and Sorenson are young and developing nicely. Swiston looks to be primed to join them this year. Plus Pencer and Dunn await in the wings. The Bombers need to move on from Buck. You can't be worried about your QB being blitzed or hit and hope to succede.
  23. If your QB can't handle a blitz, might be time to move on.
  24. We need to move on from Buck.
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