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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. I am confused how a defence with the guy the media was touting as MOP, plus an all-CFL corner absolutely got their asses handed to them. 🤣
  2. Just win. Rider tears sustain us all.
  3. To quote Dave Mustaine, I wish I could trust
  4. I'm going to pass. I'm ending up on Pollievre's watch list.
  5. America Jr shouldn't host a Grey Cup for the foreseeable future.
  6. 6 DL with 2 being subpar is frustrating. Walters needs to not bring some guys back next year to save MOS from his worst tendencies.
  7. I expect to see at least one Cmon man with the roster later today. That said, just want a win tomorrow.
  8. Jaxson Ford is pretty meh but Reid is the Riders LT. That hurts.
  9. Marcus Sayles should not be all CFL. Heck having 2 out of the 5 secondary pieces from a team that was one of the worst against the pass is a joke.
  10. Kyrie and BA both need to sit.
  11. Johnny Calhoun posts here?
  12. Musical Chairs of Mediocrity was the name of my band. We didn't last long.
  13. What an arrogant prick
  14. You're telling me there's a forum called AfternoonRumHut?
  15. Win or lose we're here for the booze. Um wrong forum
  16. Can we sign him for the playoffs? I'd seriously take him over Wheatfall.
  17. Oh man, you mean Jeff Hecht is playing safety Saturday?
  18. Clearly they should hire both guys from the Stamps.
  19. Its also insane that people think its ok to do so in 2024.
  20. Its been a great run and something that myself and likely many here never thought possible prior to 2019 and its magic.
  21. I don't speak Banjo Picking, Cousin Loving gibberish. Is there a translator?
  22. Maybe, just maybe this is the game Zach balls out. He was on his way to doing so in the LDC.
  23. And a little part of my childhood just died.
  24. So many questions. Why raccons? Why 3? Why handjobs? Most importantly, what do the neighbours think?
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