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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. I’m not saying he’s healthy. I’m saying even if he is, the terminology is reckless.
  2. It’s fairly meaningless in the grand scheme of things but Chamblin is 0-3 in challenges while O’Shea is something like 4-1. That says something.
  3. Wouldn’t surprise me if O’Shea was being extra cautious with Matthews at this point in the season. Even if Matthews is technically “healthy”, Bauming throwing around the term “healthy scratch” is extremely reckless.
  4. It’s actually unbelievable how unprepared and incompetent Chamblin looks for a guy who has coached in this league for many years. His challenges alone are insanely horrendous. He’s clueless.
  5. Popp made it his duty to bring in every guy who was decent three years ago for some reason. His roster building is confounding and abysmal.
  6. He’s better but still quite bad.
  7. Couple weeks ago. Same time they cut Sutton.
  8. I said he’s perhaps the fifth best QB in the league. Not even remotely a stretch. Especially after how he’s looked over his first few starts.
  9. I don’t even like to debate you because it’s like arguing with a child but you’re passing judgment on a 25-year old player in the first half of his third career start. You marry yourself to insane narratives like Arbuckle is Drew Willy and then laugh after he takes a couple sacks after having two great starts. It’s impossible to take you seriously.
  10. You’re awful holier than thou for someone whose next insightful post will be his first.
  11. What crawled up your butt and died?
  12. No, but his shortcomings in pass protection could be masked by the great players around him. He’s always been an above average run blocker and below average pass blocker. On this team, that’s a recipe for disaster.
  13. You do a tremendous job of proving other people’s points for them by being the strangest person the internet has ever seen.
  14. And what was our record when Lapo was fired? He caught lightning in a bottle for sure, but it was the defence that carried that team to the Grey Cup.
  15. That’s all very fair but I didn’t see it as the same massive blunder as most. Lapo was never going to move the needle as a HC.
  16. For one, even though Burke failed spectacularly he was very highly respected and thought to be prime head coach material. The end result was a disaster but it doesn’t mean removing LaPolice was the wrong call. The team was unlikely to go anywhere that season anyway so starting fresh with what most thought was going to be a great head coach mid season wasn’t a bad idea. It works sometimes and it doesn’t work others. It’s not like he fired some amazing head coach who went on to amazing things elsewhere.
  17. Mack had his problems and Burke was one of the worst head coaches in history but at the time, he was a hot commodity and the best DC in the league. Burn Mack for his drafting and how he handled the QB situation but firing Lapo was the right call. He was in WAY over his head as a head coach. Whoever hires him next will see the same thing.
  18. I’m not getting into this again but there can be more than one factor contributing to a loss. You can’t complete less than 50% of your passes in a game and not share some of the blame.
  19. I am admittedly not a fan of Nichols but I can separate my personal feelings about him as a player and give him credit for good or great performances. That’s what I did last game and the game before. I named him one of the three stars of the game, not sure what sort of praise beyond that is warranted. There are those that are huge Nichols fans that won’t acknowledge a single bad performance. The WF last year, for example. We’re winning and Nichols is playing well right now. I couldn’t ask for anything more. I criticized him after a poor performance and praised him after the good ones. Simple as that.
  20. Hey buddy, point to one time I complained about Nichols last game and I’ll pay you a million bucks. You can’t and you’re clueless.
  21. I mean in the sense that as bad as Davis is at protecting the ball, Jennings is markedly worse. Lots of opportunities for turnovers.
  22. Jon Jennings starting is incredible news for the Bombers.
  23. I’d love to see Dale Warren shine with a role on teams. The guy is legit.
  24. Even if that’s true, it’s the coaches job to wear a team’s poor performance and if you want to give it to players collectively or individually, do it in private. It’s what makes O’Shea a good coach.
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