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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. I’m sure Trevor Harris has completed a deep ball at least once in his career, but I’ve never actually seen it happen.
  2. You’d probably beat him in a race so... yes.
  3. Plus he was cut mid TC rather than at the end which would normally indicate you were never a PR candidate.
  4. Kavis Reed is in charge of their personnel. But in seriousness, he lost his starting job at the start of last season and it likely wasn’t worth the money for them to have him as the extra DB. Though I would argue he was still the best Canadian DB they had.
  5. It was. But it’s technically not against the rules to challenge something that was already reviewed by the command centre automatically. It’s probably a dumb rule, but it’s not a penalty.
  6. He’s a good player. Low risk, high reward and at a position where having a young Canadian is valuable. Even if Hecht has a great season, he’s 34.
  7. Because it’s still a challengeable play. Regardless of whether it was a smart or stupid thing to do, it’s not a penalty.
  8. Years of having bad to mediocre teams has made us afraid of losing to bad teams but we will obliterate the Argos.
  9. For the record, I like 95% of our roster and while I don’t have any issues making grand claims about players being good or bad, I own it when I’m wrong. Kyrie Wilson is an example of someone I got wrong. Gaitor last year as well. My stance on Nichols isn’t trolling at all. It’s very hard to criticize players when the team is largely doing well without being considered a troll around here. Not that I expect any pity. I dish it to people so I can certainly take it. It’s just very clear that positive posts are ignored and the negative (mostly Nichols-related) posts are misconstrued as some sort of horrible anti-Bombers agenda.
  10. Briggs was great. I’m happy to eat crow. Wouldn’t want him starting all season but no complaints from me.
  11. I’m happy we won. Gave props to Nichols, the D, even defended Charles Nelson lol. Just don’t misconstrue measured concern and debate as unnecessary criticism.
  12. I’m not complaining, friend. I literally credited Nichols largely for the win on Friday. Reading comprehension is a valuable skill to learn.
  13. I have concerns with Streveler as well, don’t get me wrong but reading a defence is hardly Nichols strength either. If it were up to me, we’d go hard after Arbuckle in the off-season if Streveler looks mediocre in reasonable reps this season. Our record should be good enough that we can afford to give him a few starts. Again, really no downside to giving Nichols the Toronto game off.
  14. You could say the same about Streveler regarding being the victim of terrible playcalling. Again, he was terrible against Edmonton and I’m not sure how you could argue otherwise. If he plays the way he did against Edmonton the TD:INT will level out. His game against BC was fine and I suppose even if he plays like that more than the way he played against Ottawa this team will still be fine I don’t think he deserves the benefit of the doubt until he shows it for more than two games.
  15. Ok. What’s your counter argument? He was abysmal last season and has one great performance, one average performance and one terrible performance this season.
  16. The point for me is, we’ve seen this movie a million times with Nichols. He’s bad for a stretch, has a good or even great game and everyone says “he’s back to 2017!” and things largely go back to the way they were before. Bad performance are always an anomaly with him, even when they outweigh the positive ones. I don’t dispute that this team can win with Nichols. If any roster in the league can overcome poor QB play, it’s this one. It’s just hard to be overly optimistic when outside of the occasional great game, Nichols seems to be getting worse and not better. Is Streveler the answer? I can’t say that. I like him but I’m far from convinced he’s the long term option. I’d absolutely give him the start against Toronto with Nichols coming off concussion protocol because we could probably start you or I at QB and beat this Argos team. I also think it’s important to see what Streveler provides at this point with an offence that is actually tailored to him because ultimately, a long term and important QB decision has to be made for this team this offseason. I realize there is no option beyond Nichols or Streveler this season and if Nichols proves me wrong and plays like he did against Ottawa more than he plays like he did against Edmonton, I’ll be thrilled. I’d rather be wrong about Nichols and the team is amazing than right about him and the team struggles.
  17. Once again, one good/great game erases numerous poor performances apparently.
  18. These guys probably have jobs regardless so I don’t see it being an issue in this case. More like people prefer proven failures over unproven new blood.
  19. By all means, tell me the similarities between Drew Willy and Nick Arbuckle. They’re nothing alike.
  20. That’s true but Edmonton hasn’t beaten any good teams either. And lost to us despite a historically pathetic offensive showing. The Hamilton loss to Montreal feels more like an anomaly than anything. Stanback doesn’t run for 200+ against them ever again.
  21. Fine. Let’s just say better.
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