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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Another overlooked thing in this game will be unpopular but Bighill looked very slow and not good. Missed a ton of tackles.
  2. QB efficiency is one of the stupidest stats around. Right behind wins for a QB.
  3. Nope. Maas is a terrible coach who runs an undisciplined team but Harris simply can't hit guys more than 15 yards down the field.
  4. He throws every ball. So he gets credit for the two good ones but nothing for the 10+ shitty ones?
  5. I said it because it's true. All the credit in the world to him for making those plays in week one. It doesn't undo the 9 times out of 10 that he turtles. A ton of big plays in the CFL come off of broken plays. You can only cover for so long. Keep your eyes downfield and someone is going to be open. How often does Nichols make a play out of that?
  6. The sample size of him under pressure is large enough that two mostly isolated incidents doesn't change who he is.
  7. It. is. not. about. Steveler. being. the. saviour. It's that Nichols is clearly beyond any reasonable doubt NOT the answer. He's resting on the laurels of ONE season. I've never in my life seen a guy get praised for 200 yard passing games in the CFL more than him.
  8. The even worse thing is, he has absolutely no ability to improvise at all. The pocket presence is basically nil and the slightest pressure destroys any play. At the very least he throws it away now. Imagine that being his big improvement.
  9. The sooner everyone, especially O'Shea, realizes that the Nichols of 2017 was an anomaly rather than who he really is, the sooner this team will take off. Imagine thinking that one season two years ago is the real thing and all evidence since them is fraudulent. It's not even that Streveler is the answer, it's that Nichols will never be the guy who can lead this team to consistent success.
  10. Great teams can sometimes overcome embarrassing QBing.
  11. This is some of the stupidest playcalling that I’ve ever seen.
  12. Like clockwork, Bombers take a fairly big lead into the fourth, Lapo sits on it and it becomes a close finish. One of the more frustrating things on earth.
  13. He’s visibly frustrated coming off the field. He should have known coming in that’s Nichols can only support one receiver at a time.
  14. This is a classic Harris game. All stats, no points.
  15. I was wrong about Kyrie Wilson, he’s a player. Hecht is still crap, though.
  16. Criticizing terrible play is part of being on a message board. I’m tired of him singlehandedly blowing games. Or keeping games far closer than they need to be. There are plenty of things to love about this team that aren’t him.
  17. The deep ball to Matthews was terrible too. Forgotten about because of the hold.
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