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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. They have a half decent running back, two good receivers and two good guys in the secondary. They can’t rush the passer or protect the QB. And all their QBs suck too. They’re terrible.
  2. The Als are real bad. This game doesn’t change that. If anything the Esks were overrated going into this season.
  3. Did TSN need to set up the press box right next to the drumline?
  4. Rod literally detracts from any game he does. At least he’s relegated to postgame duties for the Raptors.
  5. Edmonton is going to be a mess. But at least they’ll put up good fantasy numbers.
  6. He had 57 yards in almost 3 full quarters. The guy is complete garbage. Adams isn’t great but he blows Pipkin out of the water.
  7. Not that this blown lead is entirely Harris’ fault but the guy is the epitome of empty numbers.
  8. This is as bad a coaching debut as we've seen in a long time by Dickenson. Seems like all he does is make the wrong call.
  9. He has no desire because he has no ability.
  10. Considering it was Lawrence, you can't help but think that it was part of the gameplan going into to hit him in the head first chance they got to try to take him out of the game.
  11. Hamilton always finds a way to turn a lot of talent into mediocre results. And now it seems that Steinhauer has little control over his team.
  12. You can hate the Bombers all you like, and you should. We all certainly hate the Riders. But hate us for legitimate reasons. Georgraphical reasons or your grandparents taught you from a young age you should always hate the Bombers or you think our players are whiners or we signed players that you used to like when they played on your team. All that stuff is fine, it just greatly undermines your credibility when you make up some crazy conspiracy theory that has literally zero chance of being true. Imagine the commissioner of the CFL favoring the freaking Winnipeg Blue Bombers of all teams. You think a guy works his whole life, plays professional football, becomes a successful businessman so he can become the commission of the CFL and rule in such a way that benefits his hometown team? Give me a freaking break. This is all so stupid.
  13. He's also one of the best players of this generation so the sample size with him is actually significant.
  14. Holy **** this is an incredibly stupid take. You're better than this.
  15. I mean, it's all small sample sizes and I get that but he had four tackles in two starts in the playoffs in the same position as he would be this year, next to one of the most dominant defensive players in recent history. In the end, we can see different things in the same player and it doesn't matter until they show one way or the other on the field.
  16. I guess we will wait and see. Anthony Gaitor proved me wrong last year. He was great at SAM down the stretch. Not sure what Wilson has ever shown anyone to be given the benefit of the doubt.
  17. Are you really suggesting that the third string QB getting cut is proof that O’Shea didn’t have a bunch of questionable spots pretty well set in his mind going into camp? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with questioning a few spots on this roster. I am genuinely a fan of getting new blood in the lineup. Hecht is a journeyman who was bad in his 20s, let alone his 30s. Wilson is a guy who hasn’t moved the needle in two years and frequently gets lost in space when he’s been in the lineup. This isn’t a crazy opinion.
  18. I see a very different picture of Kyrie Wilson. Put it this way, I’ll be surprised if he’s the starter by the end of the season. And I would argue that O’Shea had no intention of giving anyone else the job. He was going to be the starter at WIL barring injury or total catastrophe. That’s how O’Shea operates for better for for worse.
  19. What do you like about Kyrie Wilson? Genuinely curious.
  20. He’s played plenty in spot duty for the last two years. He’s constantly invisible. He struggles with reads very badly.
  21. Kyrie Wilson isn’t good either. Other than that, defence looks good.
  22. There’s a difference between being concerned about starting a very weak player and saying that it’s going to be the difference between wins and losses. Hecht is a bad player. Period. It’s concerning both that this seemed to be plan A going into this season and that in the coaches eyes, no one could unseat him. I want the Bombers to be as good a team as possible and Hecht will struggle badly.
  23. Glad to be on the right side of history when it comes to Corey Washington.
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