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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. I didn't see the replay, I'll take your word for it on the move to get open.
  2. I won't complain about the shakiness since it's a valiant effort regardless of the quality of the end product.
  3. Lankford did exactly that plenty of times. I am hopeful that Whitehead is superior to him in the other aspects of being a receiver.
  4. Only in Saskatchewan is the Kiss Cam still an acceptable form of entertainment.
  5. Must be a powerful wind if Nichols is actually overthrowing his receivers.
  6. We probably end up signing Coombs because that’s what Walters likes to do but he’s basically Demski. We’re better off as is.
  7. He’s been hurt but also he’s not very good.
  8. Jones isn’t perfect but he can at least move and has some coverage skills. It certainly seems like Hecht is being gifted the spot.
  9. He has terrible range and is a disaster in coverage. Any time he isn’t blitzing he’s a complete liability.
  10. Yeah, Hecht sucks at everything minus blitzing. We will be in big trouble if he’s the starter there.
  11. I only saw it live but I believe Whitehead had already stopped running the moment the ball was in the air. Only to realize he had a chance at it and start running again.
  12. The fact that Danny O’Brien is still in the league at all in 2019 is embarrassing. The guy is frequently the worst guy on the field in preseason games. Truly one of the worst QBs to play in a game in league history.
  13. I’ve been critical of this regime’s severe inability to find import receivers but outside of one very bad drop by Lawler and a questionable decision to break off his route by Whitehead, I don’t think it was that bad of a performance. Sure, you’d like to see someone pop off the page but the QB was fairly erratic and there were a number of instances of great DB work from by the Esks. I’m not super high on Lawler but he did generate pretty good separation. It’s hard to put up huge numbers when you play half or so of the offensive snaps with vanilla routes and minimal pre snap motion.
  14. The absolute best possible thing to happen to Nichols was that he didn’t play last night. We will never know but I sincerely doubt he’d have put up numbers any better than Bennett. He’s being given the Reilly treatment by this staff when he really should be getting as many game reps as possible after last season. I do however, begrudgingly admit he looked a lot more slender on the sideline. Not sure if it means anything but it was noticeable.
  15. The point isn’t that they sucked, it’s that people who suggest that Streveler is in danger of losing his job to either of them based on last night is ludicrous.
  16. While I don’t think they stunk up the joint, neither Bennett or McGuire were incredible either. Without that long pass, Bennett’s night would have been largely forgettable and he’s been here for long enough that they more or less know what they have in him. McGuire was okay, but faded after a couple decent series. Between them, they had three scoring drives between them in three quarters. Both benefit substantially from fans having minimal expectations of them.
  17. A great season as a raw rookie isn’t undone by two pre-season games. By that logic, Nichols would have been usurped three quarters of the way through last season never to be heard from again.
  18. I do not. I’m much lower on Demski than most around here. He’s a good athlete but a very limited receiver.
  19. I really don’t want to see it but I can’t help but see Whitehead as a better version of Lankford. I think you’re underselling Nelson as a returner. He was great in that role at a major program in Oregon. I would be shocked if Whitehead ever becomes anything beyond a gadget guy. Sure, one who can take it to the house from time to time but these guys rarely last very long. Banks being the notable exception.
  20. It’s hard for me to pass judgement on a guy in his second season after four series in a pre-season game. I thought he was often too quick to use his legs last season but he’s as talented a runner at the QB position that this league has seen since probably Kerry Joseph so it’s hard to be too upset when he makes so many plays that way. He may not ultimately be the answer but nothing he did or didn’t do last night has me overly concerned.
  21. I’m also fairly unimpressed with Kyrie Wilson. He’s been here three years and in spot action has never stood out. I just don’t see it happening with him, even if it’s pretty clear that he’s going to get the job regardless of performance. I’d really like to see Dale Warren get a legit shot next game.
  22. On a similar note, I love Whitehead’s speed but it’s very clear that he’s not a natural receiver. He doesn’t run great routes and seems to be a straight line speed guy almost exclusively. Nelson is a great returner in his own right with much more refined receiver skill. I’d much rather Nelson make the final roster than Whitehead, despite the hype. Wish we would have seen more from Bailey last night as it felt like they were going to force the ball to Lawler as much as possible. It makes me feel like the decision to have him as the fifth receiver is essentially already made.
  23. I wasn’t happy with Streveler last night but a lot of bad circumstances came together to make his passing performance look worse than it was. On the first passing play of the game, Whitehead completely broke off his route for no reason and he would have had a real chance at it otherwise. It also seemed like even with the vanilla pre-season playcalling, Bennett and McGuire were given high percentage slants and curls that weren’t called or there when Streveler was in.
  24. Both McAlister and Richardson could be special if given the chance.
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