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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Nichols was singlehandedly responsible for three losses last season. And he was certainly not singularly responsible for any of the wins. I love Streveler, but I can certainly admit that there’s a real good chance he never becomes anything in this league. But I would absolutely guarantee the Bombers make the playoffs comfortably with him as the starter all season.
  2. You don’t need to be in the huddle with a guy to have an opinion on how they lead. Nichols did a hell of a job last season taking absolutely no responsibility for poor games. And his body language towards receivers after missed plays is as bad as I’ve ever seen from a starting QB.
  3. I can see some similarities in their fiery passion but Nichols is far more mopey.
  4. Nichols and Reilly could not possibly be more different. Not even accounting for the vast difference in quality between them, Reilly uses his feet to make plays and Nichols can’t run 2 feet without falling over himself.
  5. That’s a fair point but a rookie in their first four career starts can’t be judged on the same scale as an 8 year veteran. Streveler showed more out of a rookie QB than anyone we’ve seen since I’ve been following the team at the very least. And while he is far from a certain answer, Nichols absolutely needs to have a short leash. He’s getting the benefit of the doubt essentially based on one full season of good results two years ago. We have just as large a sample of him being bad than him being good. And one of those Streveler losses was the season opener against Edmonton where he put up 30-something points and the defence blew it. Can’t put that one on him.
  6. Well, day one of TC is almost in the books and we have exactly one tweet from the Winnipeg media about what has happened on the field. The others are pics of the crowd, comments on who isn’t practicing and pictures of the players standing on the sidelines with comments on how big they are.
  7. Okay... but the team around him is demonstrably better than the majority of those guys. Nichols has had two seasons as a starter here. One good, one bad. And the fact that the team is so much better now arguably should give him less rope and benefit of the doubt than being on a crappy team.
  8. He was also the field receiver most of the time, which makes it all the more impressive.
  9. Say what you want about Joe Mack, but that game was 1000x more on Tim Burke than on him.
  10. Wolitarsky has the low key potential to be our best receiver. Between age, talent and passport, I couldn’t be happier if it happens.
  11. Finding mid round steals that other teams slept on is always more satisfying.
  12. I like Humes a lot too. It seems like every year, even though the Bombers bring a ton of DBs into camp, the guys who are 5’10 and under are the ones that stick around. Alexander and Humes being exceptions. Size isn’t everything and guys like Sayles are great despite being undersized but it’s just so hard to cover the giant, dominant outside receivers in the CFL when they have 7 inches on you.
  13. Making fun of the dumbest man in sports never gets old.
  14. And then you have Rod Black in the regular season who maybe knows four guys on each team and even then, only by their nicknames.
  15. The fact that the rule makes it so that is a potentially viable strategy at all makes the rule extremely stupid.
  16. I know this isn’t the point of your post but if we let Streveler walk in favour of Nichols, we will regret it for 20 years.
  17. Woods is beyond done and at a position we don’t need.
  18. I think Bauming is great overall but two hours ago he tweeted a picture of Firlotte being the first guy on the field and then 20 minutes ago a picture of Jeffcoat watching practice. I mean... great but maybe something that happened on the actual field would be nice?
  19. I know it’s still early and reports may be on the way but it’s been an issue in years past. It drives me nuts how little content we get about Bomber camps from the Winnipeg media. I’d even take some tweets about who made a nice play or two. Why are these reporters at camp if they aren’t going to write anything beyond sappy human interest stories?
  20. It’s very easy to sit there and claim this never happens when in situations where a veteran plays over a rookie or younger player, we never get to see how the rookie would have ended up doing, even if the veteran is terrible for long stretches. This is getting a bit off topic but you can’t argue that veterans gets longer leashes than young players, deserved or not. You don’t think in years past that Greg Peach or EJ Kuale or Romby Bryant stayed in the lineup longer than they should have mainly because they were veterans? The rule likely never comes into play for any team because starting 3 or 4 guys with 3 years experience is likely going to be a non issue 99% of the time but I’m certain there will be times that a team has multiple injuries to veterans and may need to sign a veteran off the street rather than insert a rookie who had been with the team all year.
  21. Except that doesn’t happen currently and will only happen less now. What is logical isn’t always what happens.
  22. I’m all for the salary cap changes. It’s a good change. Making a rule that hurts young players by forcing roster spots on veterans is imbalanced and a net negative.
  23. You could do nothing and not make a rule actively worse?
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