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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Stubler is awful. I don’t understand for the life of me why teams would rather a retread like him over new blood.
  2. I’m going to assume you know all his assignments then.
  3. It’s all relative. At this point in time, there are few great safeties in the CFL. Just because Loffler is better than Mike Edem and Neil King doesn’t mean we should break the bank for him. And the point is it’s annoying that a mediocre season leads to an all star nod because it’s another thing we have to potentially pay extra for.
  4. Perhaps it shouldn’t, but it bugs me that Loffler was a league all star this year. He wasn’t good, but I recognize that there are a lot of really bad safeties in the league right now. It’s just a shame it gives him extra negotiation power when his play really didn’t merit it.
  5. Also, because racism in Canada still exists, we shouldn’t take pride in our diversity as a nation? In what country does racism not exist? Who in their right mind would have a problem with this campaign?
  6. Canadian QBs aren’t discriminated against in the CFL. They simply aren’t as good as their American counterparts. One could make the argument that it’s because they aren’t given the resources or time to develop the skills adequately as youth but to say they haven’t been given a fair shot in the league or there is some sort of conspiracy against them is frankly ridiculous. It’s not the CFL’s fault that Canadian QBs aren’t good enough. If a Canadian QB counted toward the ratio, there still wouldn’t be any teams that used them.
  7. Imagine thinking diversity is a strength. What is Ambrosie thinking?!?!
  8. Petermann isn’t a Walker type and he’s a rookie who actually got a fairly good shot with the offence this year. Thompkins played tons, he just rarely got the ball and isn’t very good to begin with. Washington is trash. These are bad comparisons.
  9. Don’t love trading Neufeld for an import receiver. Especially one as mediocre as Harris. You do have to make room for Gray but Neufeld has more value than Harris.
  10. Well I would hope so, since he’s not particularly good. Better than Nichols, though. Lucky for them he’s a free agent anyway.
  11. All Star selections in the CFL are unfortunately largely name recognition over quality of play. Loffler is an average safety who we would probably regret paying more than we would regret losing.
  12. Without speaking for everyone, I feel like most of us who clamour for Streveler are far from confident he will be the next great QB. Just that he has promise and this team has gone as far as it is likely able to go with Nichols and Streveler is trending in the right direction while Nichols is trending in the wrong direction. And it is also very clear that Streveler is better than any Bomber backup QB in an extremely long time.
  13. He switched starting QBs twice this year.
  14. I think most non-Hamilton fans see Masoli for what he is, crap. I think the general consensus is Harris is a good to great QB, which he is demonstrably not.
  15. Elimimian is 33 next year. Pretty much done.
  16. I agree that it would be a joke if they didn’t at least try for both of them but I choose to believe that it’s more incompetence than a lack of desire to win. Or perhaps they would rather win with a “cheaper” QB than spend 500-600 k on the two actually good ones.
  17. I don’t think the overarching point is true but I agree that there’s no way they go for Reilly or Mitchell over Nichols. I think the issue is talent evaluation over desire to win, though.
  18. Guys, guys you’re both right! Nichols and Lapo are both losers!
  19. Ottawa is the most overrated franchise in the league, Harris the most overrated QB (and its not close) and Campbell the most overrated coach. Competing with Toronto and Montreal and playing both of them potentially an extra game makes a HUGE difference. Sure, they won a cup but that was after being gifted Burris after he was run out of Hamilton and they required a miracle Hail Mary to even be in the game in the first place.
  20. I think it’s pretty widely regarded that O’Shea is a good coach and even if there is a diamond in the rough coach out there that would be an improvement, I’m not sure any of the options available would be an improvement. I still loathe some of his lineup decisions and his refusal to go for two under almost any circumstance but there is no perfect coach in the league right now. I do put more of the “blame” for lack of deep playoff success for this regime more on Walters than O’Shea. We went another season really only uncovering one demonstrably good international rookie (Sayles) and the team was in deep trouble again when only one receiver went down.
  21. Definitely hate the Riders too but for some reason hate Ottawa and Toronto almost as much as them.
  22. Riders won’t necessarily be better. Jefferson very easily could be gone, Roosevelt too. I wouldn’t be shocked if the QB situation is still a mess next year too. Reilly or Mitchell aren’t coming through that door.
  23. Nice thread. But rather than troll you, I will say that I have a particular hate for Ottawa. Desjardins is low key one of the hardest people to like in the CFL, Rick Campbell is as whiny as Dickenson with none of the press about it and I find the fanbase particularly entitled.
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