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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Streveler had one play, Nichols had the game. And a mistake by Streveler doesn’t make all of Nichols’ mistakes excusable.
  2. I like a lot of things about O’Shea but everything he has ever shown us is that he’d rather go down showing loyalty to his guys than make a controversial QB change in a close game.
  3. So first of all, the defence has been very bad. No doubt about that. In fairness to them, good QBs make good defences look bad sometimes but that’s no real excuse. With that in mind, Nichols has been horrendous. He relies very heavily on guys being wide open and his receivers making plays after catch. That’s not happening today and he cannot get anything done.
  4. I’m honestly not sure how many years Roosevelt has left. Yes, he’s an incredible receiver but he will be 32 next season and already has a fairly significant injury history.
  5. Wasn’t good doesn’t mean bad, bud. He was mediocre. Enough to win yesterday, probably not enough to beat Calgary. Not everyone has an agenda.
  6. Not worried at all. Like I said, he played within himself and had very unfavourable conditions.
  7. I’ll call it a win, a team win and a much needed playoff win.
  8. He played within himself, sure. Something he was not doing well at all during his slump. But he is so, so bad under pressure. It bothers me that we seem to grade Nichols on a different scale than other QBs. If Mitchell or Reilly put up the numbers this game that Nichols did, we would probably call it a bad game. All that being said, there was a point in time where I thought there was no chance this team could win a championship with Nichols at QB and I no longer feel that way.
  9. I take it you don’t quite understand the concept of a message board.
  10. Nichols wasn’t good but it was bad conditions so I’ll cut him some slack.
  11. It will be Bo, Harris, Bighill, Bryant, Ward, Ward, Jones. It’s a shame that Jones will be COTY but there is no way Campbell beats him.
  12. Two of the other western all star receivers missed nearly half the year. That shows you all you need to know about the quality of competition.
  13. Ok but that’s really not how All Star selections should work. Should it not be the best player at each position rather than two middle linebackers and no WILs?
  14. It’s a joke that they don’t separate the positions more specifically than “LB”, “OT” etc. There shouldn’t be two left tackles or MLBs on these lists. Also, Loffler absolutely did not deserve an all star nod this year.
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