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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Somehow Nichols still threw for less than 200 yards. I get game situation but it’s pretty amusing.
  2. We shouldn’t. That’s clean regardless of the team. Happens all the time. They only call that if the guy leads with his helmet or hits the other guy in the helmet.
  3. Oh he’s absolutely still been pedestrian at best but it’s an improvement on being the sole reason for losses.
  4. I could live with Nichols playing like this if the defence plays like this the rest of the year. Granted, Reilly has no receivers at this point but he is being forced into mistakes.
  5. Right but Fogg was injured. He was always going to be the scratched guy last two weeks. Fenner has been the backup DB the last several weeks.
  6. The reason the return game doesn’t work is because we don’t have any great kick returners dressed literally ever. And Fogg unfortunately is not the punt returner he once was. It’s extremely clear that O’Shea doesn’t care about the return game at this point with the way he constructs the roster but on the other hand, it’s difficult to waste a spot on a guy who only returns with roster size as small as it is.
  7. I suppose time could still tell but I’m fairly confident the guy is bad. He’s 27 years old and gone through the NFL already, if he was going to be good, he’d show it more or less immediately. I’m not sure what your point on Preister is. Fenner is amazing on teams, certainly better than Preister so he’s more valuable as the back up DB.
  8. Washington is bad and probably will always be bad. Having an extra international DB is easily more important than dressing Washington especially with Derek Jones out. Fenner is far better than any of our healthy Canadian DBs and Petermann and Simonise are already better than Washington. You could make the argument that Wild doesn’t do a whole lot as a DI but again, if Bighill goes down, I’d rather he go in than Briggs.
  9. Our import talent has been lacking for a long time but if we’re being honest, Edmonton is lacking import talent at every position outside of QB and receiver. Great, even good quaterback play masks all these problems.
  10. There is never, ever an excuse to lose to Jon Jennings.
  11. That was a clinic in how to lose a game from June Jones. Pure idiocy.
  12. Sayles has had a decent rookie season. He and Alexander are the better parts of our secondary. Hard to fathom why Fenner hasn’t gotten more opportunities. Especially with Preister being pressed into action.
  13. You’re right that there are exceptions to every rule and abnormalities in all sets of data but I’d rather not count on the opponent laying an egg and their kicker crapping his pants for us to win a significant game.
  14. I think it’s pretty clear that Streveler could have at the very least matched Nichols last few games and more than likely exceeded them seeing as Nichols’ last four games before tonight were as bad a four games as any starter this season not named Pipkin. Tonight, Nichols was fine and not spectacular but the circumstances were primed for him to have a decent game. Montreal is a joke, they played with the lead the whole game and LaPo called predominantly short routes to get his confidence back. I realize this was months ago now but Streveler shredded Montreal earlier this year. A game like this seems to be Nichols peak at this point in his career. I fully realize that Streveler is a rookie and it’s certainly possible that he never becomes anything in this league. But Nichols has set a bar so low that it would be hard for a guy to not match that production. And considering Streveler can move very well and the team seems to rally behind him, yes I think Streveler would have done better. The thing that bothers me almost about those who defend Nichols is that the main argument generally revolves around Streveler never accomplishing anything in the league while Nichols has had some success in the past but the important thing is, Nichols is not the same guy that had success in previous years. Sometimes a guy just loses it.
  15. I’m not going to get into a big argument over Nichols’ performance. If you are satisfied with how he played against the worst team in the league, I’m happy for you.
  16. It can be both. It’s painfully obvious that Nichols can’t improvise and if his first read is covered, he’s sunk. Sure, a great OC would do more to help the guy out but there’s only so much you can do with a QB who is so bad at making decisions.
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