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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. I can't say what exactly the reason for that decision is but if we have a coach who can't comprehend simple facts like two possession game > three possession game, then we are in bigger trouble that I imagined.
  2. What about his one catch, two drops and poor kick returns where he once even let the ball hit the turf (!) made you think he played reasonably well?
  3. Going for one almost never is the right call. Even if we assume Medlock is more or less 100% on converts, we would need to go under 50% on two point converts over 10 tries to end up with less points than the maximum number of points we could get on 10 good one-point converts. Even if you make the argument that in small sample sizes, trying a slightly more risky two point convert is not worth giving up an automatic single point, not going for two when you could make it a two score game rather than three is not only foolish, it's negligent.
  4. Nichols has played some bad defences and still hasn’t put up 300 yards. It goes both ways, pal.
  5. There can be more than one reason that a team loses. And the defence has been the reason this team has won a few games this year, Nichols has been garbage week in and week out.
  6. Willy hardly got much rope. He got injured partway through his second season and when he sucked in his third season, he was replaced and then traded. What you don’t seem to understand is while Willy sucked, he also had far, far less talent on his teams. If all else were equal at this point, we would be in more or less the same position as we were with Willy. A talented roster masks poor quarterback play but only for so long.
  7. Cutting Stafford wasn't really a problem. We need to aim higher than that.
  8. I'd kill for Lankford to be an average receiver. That would be a massive improvement.
  9. We weren't winning that game down 24 with 3 minutes to go. What does playing Nichols there accomplish? If that's not the time to put the promising rookie in to get reps, when exactly is that time? Anyone who is infuriated by this is completely justified.
  10. I would disagree with this. With Thompkins in the lineup now, he's clearly the first backup since Dressler is our only starter out. And Dressler gets a ton of balls and plays designed for him so anyone in that spot is going to make a fairly large difference. The guy had more drops today than catches and was awful on a number of kick returns. He's bad, was bad today and absolutely makes a difference when he's on the field. Which should be never since there's no logical reason why he is the first man up after one injury.
  11. It also doesn't help when you slot in a guy like Ryan Lankford when injuries happen. How many chances does this bum get? When someone gets hurt on Calgary, they put in Begelton. With Edmonton, it's Bryant Mitchell. That is embarrassing roster building.
  12. Let's not overlook how difficult it is to NOT throw over 300 yards in six straight games. Masoli is trash and he couldn't help himself but to throw 300 yard games ten straight times!
  13. It feels like we have to keep reminding ourselves that this is a really, really good roster. I have been as tough on Walters as anyone and still cannot fathom how he can be so bad at bringing in Import receivers but at every position other than QB and maybe receiver this team stacks up as well if not better as any team in the league. It physically hurts me to see it potentially squandered by poor quarterback play. Nichols has been good for us in the past, I would never deny that but his play this year has been embarrassing and it's not like his sample size of good play is so vast that it's unfathomable that this could just be what he is. You can't have six subpar to mediocre games in a row and continue to get the benefit of the doubt and we finally have a backup QB who looks like an actual QB and he can't even get in for garbage time? What happened to the first few games after Nichols came back where Streveler would sneak and then stay in for a few more plays. That worked extremely well and then they just abandoned it. So many things this team does leaves me exasperated.
  14. Can we see a screenshot of this whining?
  15. It felt like they were booing the decision to take out Streveler in that situation which was entirely justified.
  16. Gutless move by O’Shea to not give Streveler the rest of that drive when we’re down 23, Nichols is hurt and Streveler was having success. Pathetic.
  17. I’d like to see what it would take for O’Shea to go for two. A hostage situation, maybe?
  18. Wins are a team stat. This Blue Bomber team is as solid up and down as we’ve seen in over a decade. A QB on this team merely has to not blow games to win. The defence has been a problem today, and has had some rough weeks but has actually been much improved from last year and has been good since the first Hamilton game up until tonight. If you think a team can have sustainable success with a QB who can’t hit open guys and throws for under 200 yards more often than he throws for over 300 yards, you’re dreaming. So he’s better than Drew Willy and Justin Goltz and Joey Elliott and even Buck Pierce. So what? We’ve been so jaded to expect garbage from the QB position that we’re blinded by any guy who is even passable. This is a team that has a real chance at success this year with a QB who folds under pressure.
  19. What would Nichols have to do to make you criticize him even once?
  20. It’s also criminal that with a struggling secondary, Fenner is largely relegated to special teams duty.
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