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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. It is amazing what this defence can do when Hall resists his urge to blitz and lets this spectacular d-line get pressure by itself.
  2. He’s not better than Mitchell by any stretch and him being the third best QB in the league is more an indictment on the state of QBing in the CFL because Harris isn’t good either.
  3. Also, whether it’s his fault or not, Wilder is another in a long line of rookie year wonders, exalted as the greatest by TSN who will underwhelm for the rest of his career.
  4. I don’t get it. Yesterday, the Bombers are the worst team in the West. Today, Nichols’ critics better shut up. I guess Nichols is what’s keeping this team afloat to you. Look, today Nichols was fine. It could even be argued he was good. But the Argos defence is pitiful and he was awful the previous two weeks. Let’s see if can avoid a two bad game, one good game pace.
  5. What in the world are you talking about here? Those trades would never happen in a billion years. This is not how anything works.
  6. And Burnham wouldn’t have even been in a position to make that catch if not for an objectively terrible RTP call that would have held them to a field goal attempt. Too many what if situations in football to use arguments like that.
  7. Allowing 20 points in a game in the CFL is not a bad performance. Say what you want about the defense's play in previous games but saying they were the problem this weekend is deflecting to an insane level. On the game winning drive, BC needed one first down to kill the clock to get a game winning field goal thanks to a moronic series by Nichols. What was the defense supposed to do?
  8. He can’t get open anymore. With his hands the same as they’ve always been, he’s got nothing left to offer. Targeting him is a lost cause. Walters somehow found the one guy worse than Denmark as his replacement.
  9. I’m hoping O’Shea is just giving Bowman the benefit of the doubt because it’s still early in the season but if he’s still starting at Labour Day with this production, there really is no excuse. The guy sucks at this point.
  10. Nichols doesn’t have a particularly good arm so has to rely on not screwing up and making good decisions to be effective. When he’s not making good decisions, he’s beyond useless.
  11. You pull the knife out for people who aren’t your boy faster than anyone.
  12. I wish I could have any confidence that O’Shea would ever bench Nichols.
  13. Right because getting stuffed on a QB draw from the 2 is the runner’s fault.
  14. At this very moment in time, the only thing Nichols has on Streveler is experience.
  15. Of course they will be better with a better quarterback, no one would suggest otherwise. The issue is, with that o-line and defence it almost certainly won’t be enough.
  16. Foucault is a liability at guard. The guy will be out of the league before he even has a chance to play tackle. Lulay is a thousand times better than Jennings but with that o-line I can’t imgaine this change makes much difference.
  17. Great game obviously but it is concerning that we replaced Denmark’s crappy production with a more expensive guy who also can’t get open anymore in Bowman.
  18. The lions aren’t very good. Will be a good game.
  19. LaPolice sure gets a lot of credit for being a guy who calls one good game out of three.
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