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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. This is a worse called game from Hall than the Edmonton game. It is truly unfathomable how incompetent he is.
  2. Lafrance sort of sucks but other than that it’s a good roster. May the lord’s favour shine on us and we never see Lankford ever again.
  3. I really don't understand what they are thinking in Montreal. Why waste their time on guys like Logan and Cox who are hardly even replacement level players when their team sucks and they should be finding guys who fit in with their future plans. They suck and they're ancient. Terrible roster management.
  4. Nice to know Richie Hall is the same as always.
  5. Even when Lankford makes a rare good play, he can’t help himself from screwing it up.
  6. While it will still take some good fortune to beat Reilly, looking at the two rosters, the Bombers are stronger at literally every position other than QB. Granted, that’s obviously the most important position but with the Esks injury situation this is as good a match up as we could hope for given the circumstances.
  7. One of life’s great mysteries is how Floyd comes to the determination of who is good and who is bad.
  8. That Esks secondary is as ugly as I’ve ever seen. Yikes.
  9. I’m not ready to call the Bowman signing a great one just yet. It very well could be but he’s 32/33 coming off his worst season as a pro.
  10. Granted, I recognize that some of it is O’Shea making roster moves that favour vets.
  11. You’re absolutely right and that’s why I prefaced my statement by saying that I’m not sure if it means anything but to me, finding talent new to the league has been a struggle for the entire Walters regime.
  12. I don’t necessarily agree on point one. Bond is literally the only guy his own scouting staff has brought in. Hardrick and Bryant shouldn’t fall under that category. Point two is fair but that’s certainly not something I’m arguing against. Point three is fair as well though I would argue that paying for free agents is the easiest part of a GM’s job. The scouting work is already done on these guys and teams don’t generally win based on the strengths of their free agent signings solely because it’s generally not a cost effective way of building.
  13. Either way, I hardly want to count him. He’s not long for the league at this point.
  14. Whether it means anything or not, after yesterday’s cuts the total number of Internationals on offence on the active roster who are original Walters finds is four. And it’s not a particularly impressive group (Foketi, Bennett, Streveler and Thompkins)
  15. I would argue that two preseason games isn’t enough to tell that. Especially since you really can gauge return ability in practice very well. Lankford was terrible last year as a receiver and aside from a couple big returns, average as a returner. And guys at his age and point in his career don’t get any better.
  16. And if they can’t find a utility returner/receiver better than Lankford, that’s a real problem within itself.
  17. The problem is Lankford doesn’t produce. It just gets annoying when some guys get endless chances while some hardly get a shot.
  18. I guess Thompkins made the best impression of the receivers??? Ok.
  19. You have to wonder what more a guy like Montgomery has to do to make the team.
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