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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. I believe those include the guys who will end up coming back on the PR
  2. Funny you give Cooper credit for making a big play on teams and then discount White for making "one catch" in the previous game. Can't have it both ways. I would argue judging both on one play is stupid but don't cherry pick.
  3. Washington will not ever return kicks for this team.
  4. I would argue that White had a better camp than any of those guys at receiver and it's likely at least one of those guys is gone too. I realize it's a subjective argument at this point regarding who is better of the three but White got far more praise than Washington, Randle and 30-year-old Thompkins.
  5. White and Seisay had good camps by all accounts and I like seeing good new blood make the roster.
  6. Those are two bad cuts. Don't like it at all.
  7. I’m not sure there’s anything new anyone could say about Rod Black that would add to what we all know to be true. He’s terrible at his job beyond the point of it being embarrassing. It’s cruelty bordering on torture to subject fans of the CFL to his “talent”
  8. I don’t know, it’s very MOS to have the guy with experience get the first real crack, even if he’s shown to be worse.
  9. Yes. But rookie James Franklin who was a fairly unknown commodity.
  10. Hopefully the Lions start the artist formerly known as AJ Jefferson at cornerback all season.
  11. Mike Reilly missed weeks 2-9 in 2015 and the Eskimos went on to win the cup. Not exactly the same situation but a lot of parallels.
  12. Great news. We get to see what Streveler has and if he’s not good, season isn’t dead.
  13. Fair enough but a lot of that has to do with opportunity. Most teams don’t give young QBs a chance unless they have no choice. I’m not saying that Steveler will be a star and instantly succeed but he’s easily the most talented QB prospect we’ve had in years and this is arguably the best offence this team has seen since the early 00s.
  14. If being late for a game of musical chairs means we “miss out” on guys like Adams or Bridge, we’ll live.
  15. Walters please do not trade for Vern Adams
  16. Luck to the team, health to you.
  17. And I wish you good luck and good health.
  18. Did Jennings not do the same thing two years ago?
  19. Sure. And for the record, I don't have anything against the Lions. I just don't like the makeup of their roster this season.
  20. I would be shocked if BC didn't finish last in the west by a large margin.
  21. Even without Nichols, this team is better than BC, Montreal, Hamilton, Ottawa and arguably Saskatchewan.
  22. I don't know why people think so highly of Bridge. His accuracy is terrible. The level of panic with these trades is infuriating. This is an extremely deep and talented team on both sides of the ball and while Nicols was good for us the past two years, he's not Reilly or Mitchell.
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