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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Hopefully we don’t add any QB we already know is bad. As is the case for literally every FA QB around right now. If it’s bad, may as well give Streveler the first shot. He is in an excellent position to still succeed.
  2. Was never a big fan of Augustine but he was terrific. Great burst and ran extremely hard.
  3. Never had a game like this. Or any of those other QBs mentioned.
  4. I don’t know what I was thinking. It’s way more than 10 years.
  5. For so many years, we’ve seen young QBs put up big numbers in the preseason. Collaros, Harris, Mitchell even Reilly but I can’t remember the last time a Bomber backup QB actually excelled in any preseason game other than one fluky Marve game. Streveler is legit and probably the first real QB prospect this team has seen in over 10 years.
  6. I realize it's a subjective statement to say who is the best FA signing but Fenner is easily better than all of those guys save for mayyyyyybe Grymes. You are underrating him like crazy. He was arguably the best player at the most difficult position on defense last year. He isn't even a downgrade from Leggett at SAM.
  7. I was there today. Receivers that stood out in a good way were Petermann, Coney, Corey Washington, Demski and Wolitarsky. Petermann was especially impressive for what I was expecting from him. Demski beat Fenner particularly cleanly on one play. Simonise was very underwhelming with a couple of bad drops. Bowman had a few drops as well, as one would expect. Dressler dropped one but otherwise looked to be shifty as usual. Donteea Dye was noticeable in the sense that he seemed to be the one having the most trouble with the waggle. The QBs all looked more or less mediocre today. Nichols was the best of the lot, obviously but even he had a stretch in skelly where he had about five incompletions in a row. I was hoping that Streveler would blow me away and while he didn't, he still didn't look out of place. Mahoney is easily the weakest of the four. On defense, Brian Walker was tremendous in coverage, as was Randle. None of the new guys stood out though Bingham made a few nice plays. No INTs today but both Walker and Thomas dropped what should have been picks. First team D had Fenner at SAM and Gaitor in Heath's old spot. Steven Clarke was SAM on the second team.
  8. I would be shocked if Harris is still productive in two years.
  9. Not looking forward to a 33 year old Harris being plodded out as the starter two years from now.
  10. Also, JSK hopefully starts over Wild.
  11. I would think that Clarke has the upper hand over Walker at half for right now but other than that, mostly agreed. I just pray to every deity in existence that Lankford is nowhere near this final roster.
  12. I don’t really get what the big deal is about not having a backup with experience. Were we in good shape last year with a backup with experience in Lefevour when Nichols went down? People go on and on about how the Bombers have only question marks behind Nichols but that’s true of every team in the league outside of BC,Toronto and Edmonton. Not saying the Ross or Streveler are necessarily the answers but I’d be shocked if they weren’t any worse than the options for two thirds of the league.
  13. I, for one, am ready for the Chris Streveler era.
  14. If you are calling a long snapper "depth" at receiver, I don't know what to tell you.
  15. Thera-Plamondon is a long snapper masquerading as a receiver and Henry couldn't make it out of rookie camp last year. Baines may not be great or even good, but he's better depth than either of those guys. Though I am certain you know nothing about any of those three.
  16. And this seems like as good a time as any to complain again about LaPolice's absolute refusal to take any sort of shot downfield until we are down by thee touchdowns.
  17. And even had the defence not crapped the bed last night, that group of receivers simply is not good enough to win the Grey Cup. As someone who has always been somewhat lukewarm on Nichols, it raises my respect for him to be able to put up those numbers last night with Dressler, Coates and absolutely nothing else at his disposal. Even if a number of those yards were against a prevent.
  18. We did not lose this game because of our receivers but you cannot possibly suggest that after Adams went down that we had even adequate overall receiver play.
  19. Here’s the bottom line for me. Edmonton has guys like Bryant Mitchell and Duke Williams sitting on the bench due to a surplus of receivers. For us, Darvin Adams goes down and we are left with a collective of guys who simply are not good enough. Walters wears a lot of this.
  20. At least I’ll be able to tell my grandchildren that I was at Richie Hall’s last game coaching the Bombers.
  21. And I am questioning their judgement in this particular instance. Especially in the wake of O’Shea’s comments all season about Davis.
  22. Especially considering O’Shea has outright said that Davis is this team’s backup QB on more than one occasion. To me it seems out of character for him to make that statement and go back on it so quickly.
  23. Perhaps loyalty is the wrong word but the main issue I have is how some players get an immense amount of rope with O’Shea and some get almost none. If we had an unequivocally better option than Davis, I would understand it but can anyone argue that Lefevour’s performance has been even remotely better? Our best chance with Lefevour is if Lapo calls a game plan of 100% QB sneaks.
  24. I’m not saying a fan’s opinion is necessarily the right one but to say that the coaches are pros are we should accept every decision they make without question is ludicrous.
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