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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. This is the argument I hate the most. As if the coaching staff has never made a mistake analyzing talent.
  2. MOS’ loyalties are confusing to me. Davis may not be great or even good but we really can’t know yet. Lefevour is what he is. And what he is is terrible.
  3. We could see this from the plays he was left in for after his sneaks. He sucks.
  4. I personally blame Fogg, Walker and Loffler for not scoring on their plays and leaving it up to the offence.
  5. Why can’t this team scout receivers? Washington is trash.
  6. Love what Medlock did for the Bombers last year and have mad respect for his career but we are venturing deep into "what have you done for me lately" territory.
  7. This is as good as the roster can look without Leggett and Adams
  8. There was one deep ball to Washington that was caught by the defender out of bounds and Washington made absolutely no attempt to try to catch the ball or prevent the defender from catching it. It didn't result in an interception but the effort was pathetic.
  9. SAM is arguably the most important position in the secondary. I like Porter fine but you are not putting him or the team in a position to succeed playing him at SAM. Best case scenario is Walker doesn't miss a game and Alexander goes to SAM, Fogg goes to corner which he played a bit at last year and Porter comes in as the extra DB. If Walker misses time, Alexander plays SAM, Porter takes his spot at corner and Fogg replaces Walker.
  10. Yeah it's a pretty terrible list clearly made with little to no thought. Ekakitie over Poop is probably the most laughable thing I've ever seen.
  11. At this point in his career the fear has to be that this is potentially career ending.
  12. There is no situation where Wild can replace Leggett. They play entirely different positions. Assuming this is what you are suggesting.
  13. Even with that benefit he has less than 600 yards in 15 games. Not close to good enough.
  14. Denmark's touchdowns have disguised an otherwise terrible year. At this point in his career he just can't get open.
  15. Terrible to lose Leggett to injury but Adams is even more valuable. I have confidence that Alexander can step in fine enough at SAM. Adams is irreplaceable by anyone on this roster. I hope we clinch soon and have open tryouts with all the new receivers. And Lankford can take the next bus out of town.
  16. Jennings is truly awful. And I am very thankful.
  17. Without Adams there is no one in this receiving group who can get separation.
  18. I love the idea of no huddle after a short yardage sneak but it really doesn't work when the first down play with Lefevour at QB works 0% of the time.
  19. He was pretty objectively terrible in the small sample of games he played.
  20. I would argue he didn't impress the coaches either since he was removed from the lineup in favour of Thorpe.
  21. I do not like this offensive lineup. Would have hoped Givens would have been given a shot over both Washington and Lankford. Washington has had his chance to impress and didn't.
  22. I've always loved Jay and Dan but I can't help but think that they and TSN screwed this up bad by getting overeager. They are dangerously close to getting to a point of overexposure and their new show is a bit too self-congratulatory for my liking. Much of it isn't even about sports. I get that they probably had little interest in being plain old SportsCentre anchors again but that was where they were at their best. They could be goofy and riff in between the highlight packages. It also feels now that they feel like they have pressure and obligation to be wacky and it feels far more forced.
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