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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Obviously having an emergency kicker is important but we've come to a point where Lankford is actively hurting the team when he's on the field. I'd rather have Chungh booting 5 yard punts. At least it would be entertaining.
  2. This team has 10x the talent that Noel had and is somehow performing even worse. And Noel sucked.
  3. I look forward to the day Maurice is fired and this team can actually be put in a position to win. Until then, every win is probably a net negative if it keeps him around another day.
  4. People were already saying that due to Davis' performance yesterday, he should be demoted. I am just suggesting that is ridiculous. I'm not entirely sure what you're arguing here.
  5. The comment was intended to mean in the situation where Nicholls misses time, Davis should be given a game without people clamouring for Lefevour. Nothing more.
  6. In a game where their starting QB was knocked out for the second half. I hated the game last night and the defence looked horrible but it was 16-10 going into the half and without Nicholls the gameplan went out the window. You mention Calgary being competitive in losses but had we lost either game to Montreal competitive or not, no one would accept that as an acceptable close loss.
  7. Davis has great arm strength. It's Lefevour who has a weak arm.
  8. It could be argued that between Hamilton, Toronto and BC, Hamilton had been playing the best football over the past month and a half. I don't want to get ahead of ourselves but a 10-4 team deserves the benefit of the doubt that more often than not, they will beat an inferior team.
  9. Perhaps giving Davis a game where he's had starters reps for the week and is not coming into the game cold is warranted. We didn't keep him around for 3 years to bench him after one half of mediocre play.
  10. Let's wait until his second drop to write off Wolitarsky.
  11. I hate the term "PR fodder". You never know who is going to become a star in this league and tons of small school guys with limited resumes turn out to be amazing players.
  12. If I were as bad at my job as Paul Maurice is at his, I'd either be fired or in prison long ago.
  13. I assume Calgary rests their starters by the last game of the season so even with that being in Calgary, hard to not feel good about that one. I think Toronto is immensely overrated and arguably aren't even better than Hamilton right now and BC with Jennings is in shambles. With Nicholls we could easily win out.
  14. My biggest fear if Nicholls is out for a few games is that Davis won't get an adequate chance and folks will clamour for Lefevour. We likely are set in second place with even 1 more win. 2 would guarantee it I believe. We need to know what we have in Davis at some point. Lefevour has been no less than amazing at short yardage but I cringe when he stays in for an extra play after the first down. He does not have the arm strength.
  15. Also, even without taking the kick returning into account it has become more and more clear that throwing to Lankford when he's actually being covered by a man is a terrible idea. The only plays he's made from the receiver spot this year have come when the defence has more or less left him completely uncovered. Let's see Chris Givens.
  16. Easily the funniest part about him is that about 1 in 10 times he actually corrects himself and it makes me wonder why he doesn't bother the other 90% of the time.
  17. Perhaps it does come off as petty and I'm sure the guy is either not getting paid or not getting paid much but Bob McGregor the PA guy has to be the worst at his job in the entire world. He never appears to know what's going on and gets the player's name wrong more than half the time. I'm not suggesting that it's easy to see every little detail from the booth but it almost has become something to celebrate the odd time he correctly identifies the player who made the play and pronounces their name properly.
  18. I want Hall gone as much as anyone but this team historically has not made coaching changes after "successful" seasons even if it could and should be reasonably argued that the Bombers are winning in spite of Hall.
  19. Even if one would argue that Lankford has value as a kick returner (I disagree), we don't even take the kickoff after field goals so he is essentially without a role.
  20. On the other hand, he's going to be the only backup receiver on the roster and MOS likes conserving that guy in case one of his receivers gets hurt.
  21. And their offensive talent around him is middling enough that it doesn't help that Masoli is one of the least accurate pro quarterbacks ever.
  22. I disagree. For one, they have a truly terrible defensive coordinator in Lolley. Kanneh is an excellent DB but playing SAM for what I believe is the first time ever. Laurent is obviously very good but the rest of their line including Adrian Tracy is underwhelming. Historically their best DB has been Davis and he's been so bad this year they've benched him. Good enough linebackers but Lawrence has not been close to his usual self this year. Odiase and Unamba are both terrible.
  23. I doubt he sees the field even for special teams.
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