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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Based on how Coates has been deployed as the backup Canadian receiver, Wolitarsky won't see the field. Still nice to have him on the roster, though.
  2. It's hard to ignore the difference JSK has had on this defence. Another 10 tackles tonight.
  3. Are you insane? I made a snide comment only in response to you overreacting to Lankford's mediocre game. And if anything, that post offended you so much that it caused you to go off the rails completely. Just as you said you were "defending yourself" from my brutal attacks on Lankford, I am defending myself from your attacks on me.
  4. I am perfectly entitled to dislike any player and if you exaggerate the positives of a player like Langford, I am allowed to call you out on it. As for any "MO" that I have, if I think a player is bad or a decision is bad, I'm going to say something. It's a discussion forum. Seems to me based on your defence of players like Lankford and Okpalaugo that your eye for who is playing well and who is playing poorly is questionable at best. You seemed to want to turn this into something personal beyond just a discussion about football. Fundamentally I think Lankford is terrible and you don't. I'm happy to leave it at that.
  5. The guy resorting to juvenile name calling is the one throwing stones. Keep it up pal, looks real good on you.
  6. I suppose this means you speak for everyone. It's very difficult to have a discussion with someone who makes it very clear that they know next to nothing about football.
  7. Alright let's try again. If you don't believe that Lankford's contributions could not be adequately replaced and then some by Thorpe or even someone completely different altogether, then we will never come to an agreement. If all it takes for you to be satisfied by Lankford is one catch every two games and a couple of 25 yard kick returns then all the power to you. In my mind it's a waste to have a guy on the roster more or less solely for kick returns when he only gets to touch the ball 4 times a game in a good day. Even someone like you, who clearly loves him some Lankford can't deny that he is a lacklustre receiver and even if he is better than I give him credit for, they don't throw him the damn ball! At least Thorpe was getting targets and making things happen 5, 6, 7 times per game. So forgive me for being flippant when your highlights of his stellar game consist of 4 touches. A 25 yard kickoff return average is average. Plain and simple.
  8. WOW! A rush for 12 yards???! Two kickoff returns for 50???? Put him in the hall of fame. If you are satisfied with less than mediocre production from someone on the roster, good for you. Obviously you're easily impressed.
  9. Yeah he was excellent today with his one catch where he was essentially uncovered. I guess a touchdown erases all...
  10. I have a problem with his overreliance on big hits but I love his coverage and he's 21.
  11. I hope Walker, JSK and Jeffcoat are cornerstones for this team for the next 5 years.
  12. WIL maybe but there is no way he can play MLB.
  13. I think it's safe to say JSK is a tad better than Knox.
  14. God forbid Lankford scores another touchdown or we'll all be complaining about him still in 2020.
  15. Rod Black ruins every game he commentates. I don't ask for much from a PBP guy but literally silence is better than him. He doesn't know the rules of football, obsesses over silly nicknames that he makes up, frequently gets players names wrong and obsesses over terms like pistol formation and hook and ladder play which I don't believe he actually knows the definition of. He is a complete and utter buffoon.
  16. That's all fine but that's not what's going to happen.
  17. He takes Santos-Knox's spot on teams. He will play plenty.
  18. I hope Brian Walker is still banged up because if not there is no excuse for Fogg playing over him. Fogg couldn't get into the lineup because Walker was playing too well and he has struggled since entering the lineup and Walker can't replace him now?
  19. O'Shea has proven to be a good coach in essentially every capacity except roster management and I'm starting to worry that this will never improve. Lankford's early season TD bought him the entire season and kickoff man. Thorpe and Johnson deserve better than to be sat in favour of mediocre vets.
  20. Derek Taylor is from Winnipeg and one of the more knowledgable CFL guys out there. He has an opinion of Nichols based on the data he collects.
  21. It will never make sense to me why they will willingly sit Poop Johnson.
  22. I want nothing more for the Bombers to succeed and if Lankford scores two long TDs and the Bombers win, I'll be happy. It's just that his skill and ability is conducive to the odd big play around long spells of invisibility and the odd good play or good game isn't going to blind me into thinking he's all of a sudden some amazing player.
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