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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Compare his numbers to Reilly and Mitchell over those 19 games. He is the quarterback of a team that is winning. As happy as I am that the team is winning, his impact on the team's success is less than Reilly's and Mitchell's.
  2. This is really crazy. Why do we feel the need to lump him into the group of elites? He's fine and we're winning. Put his numbers against Mitchell and Reilly and it's no contest. Watch Mitchell and Reilly play against him and it's no contest.
  3. No and will never be. Can't we just be happy that he's getting the job done for the time being?
  4. If you give me a way to pull the defence, I'm all for it. Bad pass defence is no excuse for abysmal quarterback play.
  5. I wish I could have any confidence that MOS would pull a badly struggling QB for a game.
  6. Fogg is so much better than Lankford it's not even funny.
  7. BC place must have really cranked the A/C for that kick.
  8. I don't disagree with you but the run calls have to be more diverse than what they appear to be willing to do. Running between the tackles is clearly not working for this team and Harris getting contacted at the line and willing his way to two yard gains on first down is not doing anyone any favors.
  9. Lapo could live to be a thousand years old and would still never learn that a two touchdown lead is not the time to take the foot off the gas.
  10. This is a patient regime. Average will be good enough, I guarantee it.
  11. My biggest fear is that a 9-9 season will be enough for this team to be satisfied with Nichols enough to not pursue Franklin in the offseason.
  12. The fake was inexcusable but to me it looked like Medlock either misheard the call or went rogue.
  13. That final drive was designed to get a 50 yard field goal attempt. The lack of killer instinct is going to harm this team.
  14. I think we are giving Denmark a bit too much credit for his work over half a season last year. There was a reason he was released going into last season and he has not been getting open consistently this season. He was a very average receiver for much of his career.
  15. This is all getting screwed up by individual people's definitions. I obviously don't think Darvin Adams is even in the same stratosphere as Milt Stegall.
  16. Yes it really depends on your definition of great. If you'd like, I can call him very good. He is at this point in time not as good as Dressler but infinitely better than Denmark.
  17. He's also 27 years old. He's not going to be getting much better than he is and to me that isn't an issue.
  18. Adams is easily far better than Denmark at this stage of each of their careers.
  19. Phillips is DONE. 2 years is a long time for a 34 year old DB.
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