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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Nobody loves Dunk more than BlueBomberTalk. I appreciate having someone who puts out Bomber content but the guy really rubs me the wrong way.
  2. Colling is also three years older than Ekakitie so while I do like him, you are almost certainly getting less years of production from him. And don't get me wrong, IF this is true and Walters is thinking about Ekakitie first overall I do understand it. Having another Canadian defensive lineman who can play this year and spell Jake Thomas so he is not given more reps than he is capable of is very important. I just have a hard time coming to terms with leaving all that talent on the table. Especially knowing that the safe pick isn't even always safe (see: Williams, Shomari)
  3. I don't disagree with you that Walters prefers safe above all else but it is exactly why I think trading down is the best option. He got the best of both worlds last year with Corney and Loffler both being immense talents who would be here right away. Yes, there was injury risk with Loffler but again, it is easier to take on that risk in the middle rounds. I would argue that Loffler and Corney are both more talented and certainly had more productive college careers than Ekakitie.
  4. I completely agree. I feel we would be better off with two picks in the 6-10 range and pick up guys that may take even a year or two to get here. Especially considering it is possible we take Ekakitie first and then Ankou is cut after training camp.
  5. From what I have heard about him, he is a low upside "safe" pick with minimal production in college. It is the downside of having the top pick that there is the feeling that they can't blow it by taking someone who may take a few years to get here. I suppose it's nice that he could theoretically play right away and it is an area of need but the pick itself is deeply underwhelming. Especially talent-wise compared to Ankou.
  6. It is pretty bad when the roster calls Chris Greenwood "Cory Greenwood".
  7. Seeing the author of this and reading this article makes me sick to my stomach. Nothing like counting your chickens before they hatch.
  8. I like the Riders signings way better than ours. Greg Jones is a great player. Lawrence and Capiccotti are great gets as well. They went young with upside, we went old and hopefully still gas in the tank.
  9. You sure that's not Trevor Harris?
  10. If he keeps this up, Walters won't have to bring in any import recruits this year.
  11. He could kick two years ago. Not sure what the rush is.
  12. Medlock is a bad idea. He can't punt.
  13. Washington was a good player for us for a number of years. He has his flaws but played an exceptionally tough position. Definitely underrated for having the thankless job of going up against usually the other team's best slotback. He usually acquitted himself rather well. I have little to no faith Walters can recruit a replacement so my hope is we sign Emmanuel Davis because he seems to be a very underrated gem in this free agent class.
  14. I guess when the coaches agree with you, everything is peachy.
  15. I am almost certain if we don't sign Lirim, we will regret it for the next 20 years. How quickly we forget the dark years of kickers and the value of having a good Canadian one. Give him a chance to bounce back.
  16. I get people loving his passion and desire but the bottom line to me has always been that for most of his time here, his play was a detrimental to the team's success. I personally hated watching him in that final year and management's insistence on giving him every possible chance to come back likely set us back another few years in picking a proper successor. I'm also not convinced he will make a very good QB coach. I will be happy if I'm proven wrong but it seems like he was given the RB coach job because of his ties to this team and was promoted for no real good reason. I really hate these convenience hires.
  17. He is by far the least egregious of that list. Which is pretty sad, but whatever.
  18. That list is pretty awful. Lulay at 10? Owens is far less valuable than Fuller and even Moore. Davis should be way higher. At least higher than a now overrated and old Keon Raymond. And Watman sucks.
  19. I'm honestly not sure you've ever said anything I agree with. This happens all the time. Most recently in the CFL, Milo was kept at least through the offseason by the Riders after an atrocious season. And Swayze Waters had awful kicking numbers up until a few seasons ago and Toronto stuck with him. After years of being stuck with horrible kickers like Westwood, Serna, Deangelis etc, we can't afford to kick a huge talent like Lirim to the curb after one bad season. Especially since he is a National.
  20. Collaros Reilly Mitchell Willy Harris Burris Jennings Ray Durant Franklin Cato Tate Glenn Lulay Nichols The group of Crompton, Lefevour, Smith, Mathews and Masoli would all be a better fit pumping gas.
  21. I think my biggest issue with this hire is that the upside is essentially nil. A guy his age doesn't change drastically enough to suddenly become a playcalling wizard. The thing that makes me even sadder is there is all this young coaching talent around the league, (Steinhauer, Maas, Jackson, Brady, Dickenson etc) and I honestly can't remember the last time the Bombers had an innovative young coach that other teams wanted to poach. Was it Creehan? Yuck.
  22. Compared to Westerman he does not deserve it. Sinopoli is a run of the mill receiver. He is one of 4 1000 yard receivers and the fourth best receiver on his own team. Westerman is an elite DE. Sinopoli winning would be an embarrassment to be quite honest.
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