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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Doesn't it have something to do with each offence having their own balls so on a turnover you're using the opponent's game ball?
  2. I love watching Chad Owens limp around and be terrible. Looks good on him.
  3. Hoping for someone who has clearly made a football relevant again in Ottawa, which is only a good thing for the league to get injured. Classy. Ottawa fans were a huge reason why teams have failed there multiple times. On top of it, Burris has always shown to be an arrogant jerk who will take every opportunity to whine about any number of things. To me, I could care less if he were injured and never returned. He's had a plenty long enough career anyway.
  4. It's a joke that Jovon is an all star but these things are frequently way off from reality so I guess I'm just happy Picard didn't make the cut.
  5. I feel like someone much smarter than I could prove it with numbers but Lapo always seemed like the type of OC that was made better because of his players. His Rider team that went to the GC was stacked on offence and Milt and Khari essentially made his career. And yes, his incompetence as HC sours me on him as well but there's also a reason he has been out of the league for three years. He's a name. Just like Khari would be. The signing the bombers would make in years past. I hope we're through with that way of thinking.
  6. Please no Lapo. Brady would be a boon, as would be Jackson. Lapo is such a bombers hire. We've seen what he can do.
  7. All 9 of those guys would make us a considerably better team. Um, no... Smith is a good player. Hollins has some potential but he's nothing special at the moment. The rest are retreads at best, far over the hill at worst.
  8. You don't consider Darvin Adams as a premier receiver? I think he has done pretty well, considering the quarterbacking we've had this year. The other lacks, I agree with. He is not a premier receiver.
  9. Ottawa is an average team that has stayed healthy. They are far from great.
  10. Sinopili has like 800 yards receiving. Westerman has 5 sacks over the league lead. It shouldn't be a difficult decision.
  11. Let's not overreact. Backup quarterback is a difficult position to evaluate since you don't really slot one in for occasional plays like you could for almost every position. And I can't imagine he was brought in as an immediate solution. More like a project.
  12. Yeah we really gave him a good shot...
  13. We sure are doing a lot of signing a guy only to release him less than a week later.
  14. Bruce Johnson is 10 x the player Washington is lol. I don't get how people think he sucks.
  15. Lol if they play marsh this is more great news for the bombers.
  16. I agree. I was not a fan in training camp but the benefit of him being out with an upper body injury most of the year is his legs appear fresh. I don't blame Marshall's struggles solely on him this year (the interior o-line and Marcel's insistence on running directly up the gut are mostly to blame) but Scott hit the line with power and momentum and that's what we need.
  17. Lord Almighty is Steven Miller ever bad. These are the moves I just don't get. Let's take some chances with new blood. This guy was on the riders for over a calendar year and was given ample opportunity. He's awful.
  18. I wouldn't take on his salary, so no. Also, he's an ass.
  19. Legitimately would not trade Brohm for Owens.
  20. Suitor is bad but it's widely agreed upon that Rod Black is the worst pbp guy in sports. His nicknames are stupid, he says stupid crap like "tucks it, takes it" when a qb runs with the ball and it makes me want to punch him in the face. He will say that a play depends on the spot if the ball is downed within five yards of the first down marker either way and it's just obvious he has no clue about football I'm any capacity. His voice makes me want to vomit. The worst part yet was when he goes on shows like the morning show on 1290 people actually ask him football questions that are intended to acquire some insight and he just gives the stupidest answers which provide absolutely no value. It's embarrassing for everyone involved but I'm not sure why anyone would think bringing in Rod Black as some sort of football expert is a good idea. I could go on about how atrocious he is for hours and hours.
  21. The only thing that matters to me in this is why these things consistently happen to CFL QBs and so much less frequently in the NFL. I blame AL Bradbury and his beer belly.
  22. The dreaded 6 linebacker formation is imminent.
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