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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Upgrade the other positions. Find other QBs that aren't CFL vets that can play. People were tired of Mack not making big splashes in free agency and not being able to find a QB. He got Willy in an offseason where it would have been nearly impossible to end up without either Collaros or Willy and has made some "splashes" in free agency. Some hits and some misses. The US scouting has been atrocious since he took over. At an embarrassing level. The drafting truthfully has not been much better than the previous regime. I'll have to look into it but I feel like Mr. CIS Walters has been at the bottom of the league in terms of talent drafted.
  2. I think the embarrassment is that Moll on his own found more and better American talent than the current army of US scouts.Did he tho. We suck. Lots of those guys he found aren't very good are they? I'll come up with a comprehensive comparison later. It's hard to judge a man in football for talent kept by a new regime 3 years later.
  3. Agreed with everything other than Bruce Johnson. He didn't have a good game tonight and had a bad undisciplined penalty but love him in coverage and is generally a very sold tackler. He's the least of our issues.
  4. Aside from QB, the talent "upgrade" is that in name only. Compare our imports to any team in the league. Ours are better than the Riders. He's better than Taman. Good for him.
  5. Problem is, Mike O'Shea is Walters' buddy and Marcel Bellefeuille and Pat Tracey are Mike O'Shea's buddies. I don't see any of them going anywhere. It might take Miller to fire Walters before anything changes here and that wouldn't happen until season's end.I'm fairly certain most of this is a fallacy.
  6. Walters gets a lot of free passes and truthfully I blame the state of this team on him even more than O'Shea.
  7. A well run slant is impossible to cover in the CFL. It makes me sick to watch Rogers run them time after time and then cut to the Bombers running straight curls over and over followed by the odd fly.
  8. I think the embarrassment is that Moll on his own found more and better American talent than the current army of US scouts.
  9. As bad as Marve has been tonight, Marcel has hardly put him in a position to succeed. Just take a page out of the Calgary playbook. Tons of big gains and completions on crosses and slants. Give the guy a chance to complete a pass with space for the receiver to move. He's been hanging onto the ball too much, sure, but a number of those early sacks were plays with no receiver in the middle of the field or any outlets to dump off to. I don't want to jump to rash decisions and judgments but at some point this team needs to show improvement under MOS. This was a game at home against Calgary without Cornish, Hughes and a makeshift o-line. Last week the Riders who are as crappy as any team over the last 10 years with their third string QB gave this average Stamps team all they could handle. Some of these efforts are Tim Burke-esque.
  10. Ken Moll was awesome. Loved the talent he brought in. Walters should watch this.
  11. Wrong to whom? The fans? We can criticize all we want and have our reasons for doing so, but we aren't in any position to say his roster moves are wrong, or right.I don't think I know more about football than MOS but evaluation of performance isn't as hard as you make it out to be. He deserves to be questioned.Question O'Shea all you want. Evaluation of players doesn't start and stop with just what you've seen on TV and at the games. There's a lot you don't see, unless you're at every practice and in the meetings.I agree with some of what you're saying but your logic suggests that MOS is infallible and makes all the right decisions because he has access to all the film. History suggests loyalty plays a role in his decision making. For better or for worse. Sometimes we confuse right decisions with winning and wrong ones with losing, when that is not always the case. There's also loyalty, and then there's patience. I'm not sure if there is one, or multiple people in particular that you are referring to O'Shea being loyal to that has been "for worse." Please give an example of this where the player continues to be a detriment to the team, and has shown no improvement. Picard and Kuale are two rather significant examples. You could argue Turner over Collins as well as many others last season when playoffs were out of reach continuing to go with underwhelming vets. I will give him credit for cutting bait with Suber and Korea Banks but they seem to be the exception.
  12. If Grigsby makes it 4 years in the league I may change my stance. But that will never happen. Walker is speed and literally nothing else. Terrible vision, footwork, blocking, hands and everything else.
  13. Walker is the worst RB to last 4 years in the league in CFL history. I'm not even sure that's an exaggeration.
  14. Wrong to whom? The fans? We can criticize all we want and have our reasons for doing so, but we aren't in any position to say his roster moves are wrong, or right.I don't think I know more about football than MOS but evaluation of performance isn't as hard as you make it out to be. He deserves to be questioned. Question O'Shea all you want. Evaluation of players doesn't start and stop with just what you've seen on TV and at the games. There's a lot you don't see, unless you're at every practice and in the meetings. I also don't claim to know the exact reasons (even if I have suspicions) but can you honestly say starting Sherman over a healthy Sears was purely a football performances decision? Ditto for Kuale over literally anyone.
  15. Wrong to whom? The fans? We can criticize all we want and have our reasons for doing so, but we aren't in any position to say his roster moves are wrong, or right.I don't think I know more about football than MOS but evaluation of performance isn't as hard as you make it out to be. He deserves to be questioned. Question O'Shea all you want. Evaluation of players doesn't start and stop with just what you've seen on TV and at the games. There's a lot you don't see, unless you're at every practice and in the meetings. I agree with some of what you're saying but your logic suggests that MOS is infallible and makes all the right decisions because he has access to all the film. History suggests loyalty plays a role in his decision making. For better or for worse.
  16. Jones is 23 years old in his second year of pro ball. The potential is there but these things take time. I doubt Bucknor has more than 1 year left.
  17. Wrong to whom? The fans? We can criticize all we want and have our reasons for doing so, but we aren't in any position to say his roster moves are wrong, or right.I don't think I know more about football than MOS but evaluation of performance isn't as hard as you make it out to be. He deserves to be questioned.
  18. O'Shea is a smart football man but he values things like intangibles more than he really should.
  19. It's hard to have confidence in O'Shea when he consistently makes the wrong roster decisions.
  20. Aside from RT, that's probably as good as out starters can possibly look this season.
  21. Ok but then why isn't the time right for him to start now? Don't even cut Picard. Keep him as an injury replacement. I can see your point of view of not wanting Griffiths anywhere near the roster. The point that Picard is a detriment to this team's success still stands.
  22. There's one more thing I want to add to this discussion. Do you think the Argos are upset they had to wait 4 years or however many it was to get Cory Greenwood? sure he's pushing 30 now but they have an impact Canadian starter. Corey Mace may be the most injury prone player in the CFL but he was a difference maker when he played. We were impatient and missed out on his potential. Fringe players and even rotational players in the NFL don't last particularly long. As of right now we have a guy in Mulumba who in terms of skill is a Westerman who we don't need to outbid other teams for when he becomes available.
  23. Not disagreeing with this at all .. wasn't the best draft class all around .. but given that we didn't hit on a single player (outside Fitzgerald who played a handful of snaps for us) .. it's particularly painful. If Mulumba arrives here within a few years the view of the draft overall will be drastically changed.
  24. Gaydosh was considered a CFL sure thing at the time...that's why the Bombers tried to trade up to number one. But.. he signed with Carolina and spent some time there for a while, he didn't come up to the CFL for another year...There were 3 DL/DE types with NFL deals or try outs at the time of the CFL draft i thought or were rumored to be getting them... Gaydosh,Mulumba and S Charles. All were rumored to and or were already signed to NFL deals at the time of the draft... Isn't this part of the reason why the moved the CFL draft back a bit? So CFL teams know for sure pretty much which guys have NFL offers and which don't. And Mulumba was the one seen as the least likely to stick in the NFL.
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