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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. This is the best news I've heard all week. Praying for a surprise post-bye week purge of the excess fat on the roster. ehhhh.... While Picard's snaps have been horrific I'd rather not cut an experience NI Oline at the moment I can understand where you're coming from but what good is experience if his play has been declining for years to the point where he's a complete liability out there? Rider fans have been looking to be rid of him for his bad snaps for at least 2 seasons prior to this one and he was never a great blocker. He's not getting any better and it's hard to imagine Goossen possibly being worse. I don't even care about whether we would save salary or not, just get rid of him so there is no temptation to play him in the case Goossen has a bad game. To me, experience only makes a difference if you have at least something positive to contribute on the field. Picard does not at this point in his career.
  2. This is the best news I've heard all week. Praying for a surprise post-bye week purge of the excess fat on the roster.
  3. Mulumba was seen as the best talent with the least chance of lasting in the NFL. Every pick in the CFL draft is a risk. I'd be much more upset taking a Corey Watman who is a garbage player but no risk of NFL success. First overall was Gaydosh who was a significant NFL risk as well. He got injured and got cut luckily for Hamilton. It's a bloody crapshoot is what I'm trying to say and at the time the pick was not even that risky.
  4. Or they had a ton of receivers getting reps in the pre-season games and racking up numbers with limited reps and multiple qbs is difficult...
  5. Honestly, Willie was always the most impressive receiver to me when I watched TC. He's just solid in so many areas. I had a feeling they'd cut him anyway since it appeared they had no real interest in keeping the new guys around so I'm thrilled to see him back. Plus he wears a dark visor which we can all agree is pretty sharp.
  6. I love me some Mike Willie.
  7. The 9 we would be starting are not the best players even with the injuries on the o-line
  8. So if Neufeld starts we're up to 9 Canadian starters. Probably time to sub one out.
  9. If you think the bombers are in a worse place both on the field and off than the farce going on in Montreal, I want what you are smoking.
  10. I guess... I just did not envision this guy as our parachute - he's going to get massacred in an MB offence A bit surprised that Yantz really didn't get a look at all or Portis for that matter The fact you'd be happier with Josh Portis or other retreads instead of new blood to potentially groom astounds me.
  11. It was an error on Chris Cuthbert's part. And a bizarre one at that.
  12. To be fair, he has one sack for Ottawa. A meaningless one late in a blowout game.
  13. I believe it was said in jest at one point. Wicked hangover lasting till 9 pm the next night.
  14. I appreciate the enthusiasm but Morley and January aren't coming back nor should they.
  15. This is a loss. Daniels is probably the best RT we've had in awhile as sad as that is. Not super high on Lewis but he should be infinitely better than Tyler who has had 10 more shots in this league than he's deserved. We all know it will be Tyler though...
  16. Would we play him over Hurl? I doubt it. And I would hope not over Bass. I love Simmonds as a player but I imagine he wouldn't be much happier here. At least he'd be on the game day roster I guess.
  17. More accurately, the drop off is with the guy who replaces Bighill at WLB. Likely Alex Hofffman-Ellis who is pretty terrible.
  18. Where would you like them to place him? The 6 game list is that in name only.
  19. Owens would have fumbled it for a TD so no biggie
  20. I'm the farthest thing from a fan of Moore's but to suggest that one game of slot from Veltung and an on and off season from Adams who doesn't even play the same position is reason to cut Moore next year is a stretch. I'd love to see Walters actually bring in players to challenge Moore and perhaps Veltung is a start but let's not jump to conclusions.
  21. Did not like Thomas at all in Edmonton last year but looking at his numbers, he was better than I thought. Still, don't love retreads even if I like the idea of pushing Cotton. Cole is an interesting prospect. Especially since we seem to be doing a ton of rotating at DE. I was getting a bit annoyed that we weren't making any signings early this season so frankly I'm happy for anything on that front.
  22. Wasn't this the poster who was banned from ourbombers.com a couple years ago for posting fake training camp updates? His updates never jived with people who were actually there... I was legit about to say this. The attitude and style are almost identical.
  23. Probably the 'line' of TC reports - it's hilarious, a little over-stated, but memorable. and its so true. Its funny some fans can stick up for someone that flakes out day 1. Yes if he is injured that is a reason to be excused but he isn't injured. he is sore and tired. That shows you the mentality and the key difference of NCAA players vs CIS players. Also its strange MOS would put up with that. Dave Ritchie would not put up with it. Zero chance any NFL team would put up with it. So you think (2) things. 1) why MOS is puting up with it. 2) is there something more to the story. If he really is just sore and tired, then its a huge issue. Even NCAA programs wouldn't put up wit that. This is such a strong argument. Especially without any examples.
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