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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. This isn't my issue at all. To me the worst case scenario is that it is more tempting for the coaching staff to out Glenn in than marve or brohm when in the long term it does us no good. We've been here with Glenn before and we've seen this movie the last few years with other teams. I didn't envy the teams with Glenn then, and I certainly don't want to be one of them now. Is Glenn better than marve right now? Yes, almost certainly but he's just good enough to be a threat to play every time willy struggles but not good enough to actually improve this team in any real capacity.
  2. Pass pass for the love of god pass!!!!
  3. I disagree. He is the best WILL. Curran is a far more effective mlb.
  4. Curran is better and a true mlb. At the very least he is better at mlb. Peters is far more effective at WILL as a rider.
  5. I'm pretty sure gbill is thinking of kyle Jones
  6. Tuinei may be large and may end up being good but he certainly does not have wheels. He's essentially greg carr.
  7. As much as I disagree with that sentiment, I agree. Problem is, there WAS an injury to our long snapper and it appears to me that everyone involved was happy to just wing it.
  8. We did play an unspectacular game on ST, absolutely. But let me wonder out loud, we are now down a LS and were coming off a week where the snapping was poor. Yesterday, the snapping was poor again. Were we content just letting Jones and Fitzgerald muck around in that spot to the detriment of the team?
  9. We have essentially the same offense as last year, just with an effective QB.
  10. Brohm looked awful in the NFL, awful with Hamilton, awful in TC and preseason this year and awful yesterday. As a guy who has always seen the positives in almost every backup this team has put into uniform, I will never see it with this clown. No mobility, fires a fastball with no touch on every throw, terrible accuracy and no poise in the pocket. Max Hall was head and shoulders better than this guy even while coked up. If Willy is out for a period, I don't see any reason to trot Brohm out for more than a game. He just doesn't have it. Watching this game last night sort of depressed me in the sense that without Wild and Sears in the lineup, there aren't a ton of guys in the front seven to like on this team. Some of that is injury, some of that is on scouting but I also recognize that Etch's scheme greatly limits the available personnel. Guys like Louie Richardson I get are playing pretty much exclusively due to injury but Greg Peach gets a ton of opportunities and snaps and he's about as average as you can get from an import at that position. He'll have one strong game followed by weeks of invisibility. And the offense has been getting worse progressively since week one. This was another perfect game to illustrate why Grigsby isn't a starting tailback. Maybe there isn't anyone better on this roster right now but if there isn't, that's also a failure. Denmark, Watson and Kohlert are all very good players who I want on this team for a long time and Moore I'd put in that category as well but the longer Romby Bryant is in the lineup even as a replacement the more I feel like it's an insult to the fans. I think he legitimately has as many penalties as receptions this year and I don't even think that's an exaggeration. I guess I'm just ranting for a number of reasons. I'm frustrated that this team gave us a sliver of hope and then injuries and ineffectiveness hit. There will be better times in the future, no doubt. But the thing that I keep coming back to is in years past, no matter how bad we were, there were always guys on the PR that from either TC or watching practice or just reading scouting reports, I wanted to see in action. One of my favorite parts about the CFL is that young guys can come in midseason due to injury, ineffectiveness or whatever and actually make a significant positive contribution. I look at our PR right now and save for a few names, I see lots of other team's cuts and stopgap Canadians. Meanwhile, a team like the Argonauts are forced to make injury changes and they have young guys with upside! Okpalaugo, Whiteside, Vince Agnew (who I wish we got back after his NFL try) even a guy like Greg Childs who hasn't played yet is an exciting prospect like we haven't seen in awhile. We get an injury? "Have another kick at the can, Romby. Sixth time's the charm!"
  11. I agree, gbill. If Mike Cornell of all people can make a positive impact as an interior D-lineman in this defense, there's no reason Pall cannot.
  12. Yeah let's write him off after the first game at a prospects tournament. I'll bring the pitchforks if you bring the tar and feathers.
  13. Nic Lewis.Nik Lewis is a shadow of what he once was and is probably the fifth or sixth best receiver on Calgary. Not the same situation at all.
  14. The thing that is really bugging me about this Sears thing is that I can't think of any situation in this league where one of the premier players on a team got injured while playing well and then became a victim of the ratio regardless of the play of his replacement. From what I understand, Marcus Howard's replacements are playing well in his place but you better believe he's going right back into the lineup when he's healthy.
  15. I like how Kuale is off of the margin of the other MLBs just to emphasize that he's number one.
  16. I'm not saying I know everything or even as close to as much about football as anyone in our management or coaching ranks. I do, however, know that there's more to it than "X player" is better than "Y player". In Grigsby's case, I can at least see some logic in the fact that he's done some good things. In Kuale's case, I have no doubt it's loyalty or something of that ilk.
  17. If you think the best players are always the ones who play regardless of situation, you're dreaming.
  18. Even those great running backs you speak of have had a few dud games too. Not sure if you expect the running back to get 100 yards a game every game but if that's the case, Not gonna happen, Doesn't happen for Harris, he's had a couple good games and a couple duds, doesn't happen for Cornish either, some good, some duds too. I don't expect 100 yards a game. I just expect more consistency and hard yardage out of my running back. It was incredible watching Volny take two runs and get 9 yards in the LDC, something Grigsby just cannot do and it's not like Volny is even a decent RB. As of now, Grigsby has no import backup and to say we gave Cotton a fair chance is ridiculous. It's like saying Grigsby's game against BC where he went 15 carries for 19 yards was a fair chance. And that was a better chance than anything Cotton got.
  19. I don't know how many freaking times we have to go over the fact that his leading the league in YFS is a volume stat and is a testament to the great backs in the league being injured for multiple games. It doesn't change the fact that Grigsby has had one great game this season followed by alternating good games with complete duds.
  20. Maybe I'm blinded by his far superior pre-season but the fact that his injury cost him a starting job that in my mind he wouldn't have given up is a bit unsettling. It's not like Grigsby has done a good enough job to justify releasing every other import back on our roster.
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