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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Weldon Brown is a import but he's pretty good.
  2. Why? What did Mack do to inspire your liking him? This isn't the thread for that. Feel free to message me.
  3. Yeah Bryant Turner is having his worst receiving year of his career. Well, technically tied for his worst.
  4. But the team has double the wins it had last year, has a legit staring qb, a seemingly great head coach. This teams has a brighter future then it has had in the last three years? Grey cup champs yet?? No. But light years ahead of last year. No argument here. I have no doubt we're going in the right direction but that doesn't mean there aren't areas for concern.
  5. The only thing I disagree with is calling Wiecek a "sports reporter" rather than a hobo with a laptop.
  6. I almost feel bad for the guy.
  7. Um late hit? The play never even started but you can't throw a flag when no one hears the whistle and all the players are continuing to play. That play never happened. I'm aware of that...
  8. It wasn't a late hit Tom - again, you're off. Proves what you said last week as well (about the non PI call) that you really don't know what you are talking about. I heard the whistle live. However, none of the players did. I've seen this kind of thing in the past - usually in the NFL the umpire and referee (as they are the ones close to the LOS) will both wave their hands and blow their whistles if the players continue to play - and if a player (QB usually) is hit when they are doing that, they WILL throw the flag for Unnecessary roughness. I heard a whistle but did not see ONE official - and I only heard ONE whistle, until AFTER the hit, then we heard them blowing it again. Too bad for Darian - but he kept playing if had just stopped and stood there chances are he'd be trotting off the field with the rest of his teammates. He kept playing, so did the bombers. It wasn't the CFL's fines moment but it was the OFFICIAL's error, not the players, hence no flag. Late hit - are you smoking crack when you're watching the game? The play is dead when the whistle blows. It doesn't matter who hears it and who doesn't. Hit the QB after the whistle has blown and it should be a roughing play. EVERY SINGLE TIME. BTW: It's Terry, not Tom. But in reality that's not how it works when every guy on the field is going on as if nothing happened.
  9. I'm glad that people have finally started to ignore you.
  10. He can start his coaching job tomorrow then.
  11. Alright then as a counter argument, if Kuale has a reputation for being a dirty player that he will never get the benefit of the doubt, combined with being woefully ineffective at his job, what purpose does he possibly serve?
  12. He needs to see the film is what he said about almost everything.
  13. Etch is absolutely a big problem, but Walters deserves heat for this. I wouldn't can him because he's made a bunch of moves that I've liked but it has not been a good year for talent that is new to the CFL.
  14. Just wondering why you would try to link bringing in Kuale to fit Etch's D with a shot at Walters... Randle, Leggett, Johnson, Kromah, Stoudermire aren't what you would call underwhelming Kromah, Stoudemire and Randle are not Walters "finds" and Leggett and Johnson are two very good new additions but the fact remains that if you are filling holes on your team with guys like Kuale and Romby, something is seriously wrong.
  15. Um late hit? The play never even started but you can't throw a flag when no one hears the whistle and all the players are continuing to play. The late hit when Durant was still holding on to the ball? The argument could be made that it was a play that never should have even happened due to the penalty but it's flimsy at best.
  16. Um late hit? The play never even started but you can't throw a flag when no one hears the whistle and all the players are continuing to play.
  17. I do like Mack and still do but that has nothing to do with anything.
  18. I disagree with Arsh. The Bombers D played great today with 16 points given up. Kuale on the hand is getting worse and worse every game. There's no way he deserves to stay in the lineup over Kromah when Wild is back. He stays, MOS likes him, and NEVER admits a mistake. This is a real test for OShea for sure... We passed over three decent talents (Hogue, McRath, McCune) to bring in Kuale because he fit Etch's scheme, he is Osh's old 'buddy' and a vet... but those penalties and beaking off on the radio like that - goes against OShea's team first/suck it up culture I think he's more Etch's guy than OShea's... I mean somehow we had Kuale penciled in over Wild at the beginning of the season... If Kuale is on the roster next week, that will tell us a lot about our direction this year. No one has picked up McCune, who is older than freaking Romby Bryant and Hogue and McRath were clearly not the answer but the fact that our GM has brought in perhaps the most underwhelming crew of talent in multiple years that we are even left with a guy like Kuale as an option is the scary part.
  19. Really? Man that is a strange one to explain because Kuale is hot garbage. It's an exaggeration. But he has the most insane job security of anyone I've ever seen considering how freaking terrible he is.
  20. O'Shea would sooner cut Willy than cut his buddy EJ, I fear.
  21. Which is why we can't afford to sit a guy like Johnny Sears.
  22. Kuale needed to be cut the day after he was signed but I suppose now is as good a time as any.
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