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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. I was dreading the day that we'd get pumped but I hope it leads to the personnel changes we need. I'm not optimistic that it wjll.
  2. O'Shea has done a lot of good things and changed the culture no doubt. Even if the field goal call was questionable, he's made many other great in game decisions that make me feel like he should be given the benefit of the doubt. His roster management, however, is atrocious and should absolutely be questioned.
  3. Kuale sucks so much it drives me insane. How Fraser gets a start under the guise that "we won so things don't need tweaking" and Kuale subs in for literally no reason sets a very bad precedent. The best players should play. Period.
  4. I'm pretty disgusted with this roster tbh.
  5. That's a rather standard response by The Mikester. Said the same thing when Watson went down. Sears, Neufeld, Greaves, Moore, etc. To make a declarative states that its NOT SERIOUS is more for team morale. The real story will be how the limb reacts to treatment and whether it swells up tomorrow. so 9-12 weeks then?
  6. I have a white Stanford Samuels jersey and I'm proud of it. True story.
  7. Alex Hall was also a very, very good run stopper from the end position. He had incredibly high tackle totals for an end. The suggestion that he only had "one-trick" is laughable and uninformed.
  8. Where are the ridiculous Ottawa helmets???
  9. I love a lot of things about Mike O'Shea but one thing in particular puzzles me. I totally understand the purpose of "loyalty" to his players but it seems like his loyalty only goes so far. Aaron Woods wasn't lighting the world on fire, but he was getting the job done. Grigsby at worst has contributed greatly to a few of the team's losses and at best has be maddeningly inconsistent. Woods gets pulled a few times, most recently for a dynamic PR player who showed that at least for one game, he was an improvement. Grigsby on the other hand, keeps getting plodded out there when there are other options who at least deserve an opportunity. We don't know if Cotton or Bolton or anyone else will be better (even if one could argue that there has to be someone out there who can average more than 4.3 YPC, by far worst in the league among starters) but we also didn't know that Stoudemire would be better than Woods and that switch was made. And I'd argue that Woods wasn't costing this team when at times, Grigsby has. So why be loyal to one guy and not the other. Both had backups that likely deserved a shot. And it's not even as if Grigsby "earned" this starting job out of camp either. I could make a similar argument about trotting out the rotting corpse of Romby Bryant for so many weeks but at least that was due in part to injuries.
  10. So like, you do realize that I suggested Washington should lose his return job and AKAChip thought I was suggesting we cut him... Nice rant though. Except that's not what I was suggesting. I was merely suggesting that my concern is that Washington's fumbles on returns could potentially turn the public opinion of him when is has nothing to do with his defensive abilities.
  11. I guess I'd just hate to see it when Grigsby hits that wall.
  12. It would be a shame to lose a defender of Washington's caliber over missteps in the return game.
  13. I disagree... Reid was pretty useless as well. On OB.com I harped on him for being able to only get 1 big gain per game and a whole lot of fall down after getting touched for 2 - 3 yard gains. I remember posting his stats where outside of his one big game against BC... if you took away his one big run per game he would average something tiny like 2.8 yards per carry..... I'm getting the same feeling with Grigsby. Now I know the o line isn't giving him a whole lot of room and maybe MB should be calling for more sweeps or anything that will get him outside..... it just seems that when he does have a chance to make a move he usually makes the wrong move or he's one on one with a tackler and instantly falls down. I'm not a huge Messam fan but clearly tonight he showed that he can at least break a few tackles.... so he *would* of been an upgrade to a certain extent. Again, I'm not saying Reid was a great player. He was good, though. And he certainly didn't have two games out of seven where in total he carried 25 times for 27 yards. This is the CFL and it's absolutely unheard of to be that unproductive.
  14. He only returned one punt today and it was because Woods was shaken up, I believe. But I agree that his days as a returner are probably done at this point.
  15. Fred Reid was no hall of famer but Grigsby couldn't hold his jockstrap.
  16. I suppose we will have to agree to agree then.
  17. I suppose that's fair until you remember this returner doesn't touch the ball more than twice a game and is not first on the depth chart. The bum with the less than 1 YPC average tonight is "the man"
  18. Here's another part of football that's important. Have a running back that doesn't suck ass.
  19. Somehow, Labatte and Picard are both playing. Those damn fakers.
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