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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Not surprised about Kohlert as much as it sucks. I had heard that he had little interest in re-signing here anyway.
  2. It scares me that in a situation where you could choose either Dave Dickenson or Doug Berry as our HC, all else being equal, that anyone would choose Berry.
  3. Not a huge Harris fan. He's a whiner and has only one good year under his belt. He may end up with a decent amount of rushing yards this year but it's 100% due to volume. I'd take him on the roster, especially over Cauchy as a starting NI but he will likely command more than he's worth. Especially considering the shelf life of RBs.
  4. Is it just me, or did Watkins know what he was doing on that tackle?
  5. My god is Miller bad. He has Rod Black can't tell the down or the distance Disease.
  6. Even when Gord MIller barely knows the rules of football and is clearly gargling some Argo jizz, he's still way better than Rod Black. Not sure what that says about TSN.
  7. I really don't know about that. They are coming off a loss to the worst team in the league. I don't think one impressive win is enough to make them ditch the most successful passer in CFL history. Don't get me wrong, I think Calvillo is done and it's about damn time. I just don't think Montreal will cast him aside if we wants to continue playing.
  8. Does he have to leave Montreal to do it? I don't think that's been established and one good game for Troy Smith doesn't exactly change that.
  9. I think it's universally established that AC would not be picked in the dispersal draft. Ottawa has much better options than a broken, fossilized Calvillo and no doubt he tells them that he'd sooner retire than leave Montreal. I don't see it as a problem at all.
  10. Why is everyone getting a hard-on for Troy Smith? He played pretty good and sure he has a strong arm but he's a 29 year old washout and each one of us should know not to judge based on one game. Proclaiming him the "real deal" is incredibly premature. Perhaps it's just me but even with our crap QB situation, I wouldn't touch him with a 10-foot pole.
  11. God help us if we protect Pontbriand over Tyson Pencer. Other than that, I agree.
  12. For a doctor, you aren't very smart.
  13. Opportunities like we had with Reilly last season come around once in a blue moon. To have a situation again this year with a guy like Collaros is even more rare. Especially since no other team has a glaring need at QB. As frustrating as it was to lose Reilly last season (despite the questionable circumstances surrounding it), it would be even worse to miss out on Collaros this offseason.
  14. it also would be nice if the O-line could give him more than 1.5 steamboats to pick a target and throw. Hall was rushing almost every throw as on almost every throwing play there was a free Alouette coming at him unblocked. I know that this may have been "designed" - but to just let a guy run at our QB unblocked on almost every play? Really? I'm sure glad Morley is back. At least he's our best OL at celebrating after scores.
  15. That's completely fair but no matter how good Burris could potentially be next year, where does that upside end? Collaros could end up being garbage but I think most of us have liked what we've seen out of him. I think it's a calculated risk we have to take after missing out on Reilly. Collaros' long-term value is far higher and two years of good Burris isn't worth potentially 10 years of good Collaros. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the only way I would want Burris is in the situation where Burris ends up being good for a few years and Collaros ends up a total bust. If both end up good, or both end up crappy, I take Collaros in either situation and since there is no true way to gauge this, I see it as a move we have to make.
  16. I know this is a completely hypothetical situation but the reason I wouldn't want Burris is because it would go a long way in keeping Collaros away from here. Not saying that Burris isn't a great QB. We all know that he is. But I don't even think he is measurably better than Collaros at this point and no matter how good he is, a short-term Band-Aid solution really doesn't help us much. Especially when our number one priority should be getting Collaros to sign a long-term deal in Winnipeg.
  17. I don't exactly trust Coach Burke's assessment on any player, let alone offensive ones. In what universe has Akeem Foster outplayed Jade Etienne?
  18. He's also been the only one to stay healthy. He's ended up with a decent season considering the circumstances but there were many times early on where he absolutely deserved to be benched.
  19. And where has Lavoie been this year? Hurl is a good special teams player but how much value does he actually have?
  20. Love that Wild got to play when Jovon went out. He was a star out there.
  21. If I remember correctly, no one had Laing on their radar when he was selected in the second round. A reach is still a reach whether they end up playing well or not.
  22. Third thought: How and why is Dobson Collins still in the league?
  23. First thought: How in the hell is Bakari Grant 4th in the league in receiving? Second thought: It's nice to see that Swayze Waters is still embarrassingly awful .
  24. I feel like while Hall isn't very good, the incredible play by young players like BLM and Collaros makes him look worse than he actually is. People loved Marsh because he won a few games even though it was far from his own doing and while young, BLM and Collaros are both second year players, not rookies. Hall is a flawed QB and if we go out of the gate next year with him as the starter, we're in big trouble. However, for a first year player on a crap team, he hasn't been nearly as bad as most people make him out to be.
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