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Goldkobra last won the day on January 22 2023

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  1. The canuck truck needed a better insurance policy after that hit.
  2. I hate the lack of objectivity that surrounds Rourke. The media acts like anything he does has never been done before. His "miracle" 10 game start in 2022. It wasn't that great and anyone who can read should be able to figure that out. He beat the hell out of edmonton 3 times. The worst team in the league. And toronto once. Toronto was in a complete tailspin at the time. The game following their loss to bc was the one against us where they were fighting each other on the sideline. His other 6 starts were competitive but nothing out of this world.
  3. What bothers me the most is o'shea's hesitation to pull the trigger. Boudreau's scheme was terrible last season but he was given the entire season and playoffs to continually fail. Boudreau got axed in Hamilton after 5 games of last in the league cover teams. Too much loyalty. Not enough accountability.
  4. I think what you're referring to is a practice jersey.
  5. He's on top of the mountain, now. Drinking the good water.
  6. Interesting. Appears that he hasn't taken a snap since 2021. Good college career though.
  7. What i find hilarious about Toronto is so much of it reminds me of Winnipeg. Just a bit bigger. I have no desire to go there, unless it's for work. The city does nothing for me, otherwise.
  8. I've traveled a fair bit in the last decade. Canada, us and a few places off the continent. A lot of places I've been to, really make me appreciate winnipeg. We have our issues, no doubt about it. But we have a lot in our favor too.
  9. At a casual glance, chad Kelly's numbers look pretty similar to MBT's in 2022. I don't think Bethel-Thompson was in the MOP debate, was he?
  10. My comment was a sarcastic in nature. You see, if gun control in Canada didn't actually work, one wouldn't have to swim across a river to steal a firearm.
  11. Gun control doesn't work
  12. It's a shame that oshea seems to not want to do a coaches duty. I'd hate to see a Jag with a cool backstory be his downfall.
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