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Everything posted by TheGhostOfJoeMack

  1. I bet hes employed within a week.
  2. Or we could have released Ford who hasn't done anything for us. At least Garrett proved he could carry the rock. Ford has done nothing. If were just in salary dump mode right now why is Buck still here?
  3. Couldn't agree more. Garrett was a grinder. I bet he wont be unemployed for long.
  4. Not sure why this move is being made. Hes been pretty vocal the last few days on Twitter about getting some playing time but not in a bad way. Just sounded motivated IMO. Too bad, because he really dominated when he was given the chance.
  5. Dude.....Mack got us in to this mess. Why on earth do you keep defending him? All this talent you keep talking about amounted to the steaming pile of dung you see before you. Keeping him around one minute longer would have done nothing but postponed the enevitable . At least now we can start the process of rebuilding earlier and maybe if the people in charge make some good decisions we can get this sorted out sooner rather than later and it wont take another year and a half. Kyle Walters has been promoted. And if anyone thinks he wont be given the job full time going forward they are crazy. And as much as people might not want to hear it, Burke will more than likely still be here next year as well. The Bombers cannot afford to keep firing people, We basically have enough salary on the books from people we paid to take a hike that we could have two full sets of staff in place. Mack is the architect of this entire mess. our record over his tenure and the sad state of our franchise at the moment are undeniable evidence. This is where we stand after 4 years of Mack. You are right about one thing, firing a GM mid season isn't optimal, he should have been fired last off season when he failed to adress the areas he highlighted himself as being crucial to fixing the team. His in action has lead to this .
  6. I think Lawless just said on H&L that it wasnt a board memeber who leaked the info to him.
  7. Has lawless actually confirmed it was a board member who provied him with this info? How do we know it wasn't someone else?
  8. The thing is though Montreal and Edmonton have actually won fairly recently. Some hiccups are more acceptable. Hamilton? Well no one even cares about Hamilton so thats why they aren't mentioned with the Bombers as champions of futility. As soon as the Bombers win cup, a lot of this anger and frustration and pressure will subside and it will better for the club and fans alike.
  9. Well Buckhorn isnt bad IMO.....when I try an type Butchko in my phone it auto corrects to "But Chlorine"
  10. If the players were good enough we wouldn't be talking about the coaches or the GM. There is not enough talent on this team right now and there hasn't been for the entire time Mack has been running the show.
  11. So brutal.......to me the heat on Garth is even worse now because he and his BOD can't act like professionals and keep this type of thing confidential.
  12. Well, as another poster eluded too , I think the BOD was divided on firing Mack. IMO it makes sense to assume that someone on the fire Mack side would leak this to Garry as to speed up the process. Really,what else can the Bombers do now but fire Mack?
  13. How are they supposed to fire the leak if no one knows who it is? One little rat boy flaps his gums to Lawless and the Bombers make an even bigger gong show out of this. Im all for removing the rat but there really isn't any way of identifying him unless Lawless give up his source and that aint gonna happen. As for the new GM......Im all for McEvoy. 18 years with the Lions, and Wallys right hand man. Hes learned from one of the best, is Canadian, and knows the CFL and the role. IMO there really isn't any other option that would offer as much stability and experience.
  14. Some good points. Regardless, I think we can all agree that Cauchy needs to step up his game.
  15. That is the biggest cop out answer in the world. Thats exactly what someone says when they dont have any proof or facts to back anything up that they have said. Like really, how would I know what anyone said to their roofers unless I was there? I guess I "dont deserve to know" because I wasnt creeping outside of some Bombers house the day his shingles were replaced.
  16. Accusations like the ones you were making? And I called your actions/intentions rather pathetic,not you personally so relax.
  17. Show your source then. As far as the Buck comments go, I have asked you several times to justify your opinion as to why you think Buck is so much better than Goltz and you never can or do.
  18. The Bombers are making money hand over fist right now.
  19. As apposed to what? Saying they are going to audtion guys for the rest of the year? Naming Goltz the starter for the rest of the year absolutely was the right decision. We saw the last few years of the QB carousel and how it didn't work. This way the team knows who is taking the snaps every week and Goltz knows he has the coaches confidence. There really wasnt any other option.
  20. Burke never said the team was "good"or that they "vastly improved". We lost to the Lions , a very good team, by 7 points with a QB making his 2 carreer pro start. I know you have a massive man crush on Buck but coming on here to misquote Burke to try and make him look bad is rather pathetic.
  21. See what? Logan and the others you mentioned have already left....what exactly are you waiting for? Whats your motive for even bringing this up?
  22. I think that the Bombers are hurting from paying coaches that are no longer working here. If anything, I think Mack will have a short leash with regards to the hiring and firing of coaches. Im not sure how much the powers at be are willing to let him make big decisions about the future of the club at this point. We might have a lame duck Gm at this point.....
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