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Everything posted by JohnnyOnTheSpot

  1. And I want to be first to say that Mayo put on a clinic.
  2. I love watching him play, I hate watching him between plays.
  3. I thought the Lapo O was supposed to look more like this. It seemed maybe 20% to 25% more "get the ball out quick" than last year. First pre-season game I admit but if it's going to be there later shouldn't they be working on it more now? And I have to mention Cato's down field blocking.... He must watch a lot of soccer. And Duron Carter's attitude has improved? I hate to think what it was like before.
  4. I say because it is the home game he gets a half or close to it. The next game he gets 2 or 3 series.
  5. Maybe they went alphabetical.
  6. 3 positions in two camps? Not looking good. They had him at mini camp as DB. He's supposed to be DE just like that? An LB used in a blitz package I could see but not DE.
  7. Injuries aside I'm reminded of Jesse Lumsden... his last year nobody wanted him until Labor day, Bombers call, it gets leaked and suddenly half the league wants to sign him.
  8. Dual hot dog guns, and mounted on the plane.
  9. I was leaning towards the favorite candidate, our offensive co-coordinator at the time. His name was Mike Kelly. Who knew?
  10. Don't know if that field is to scale but the areas beyond the sidelines seem unusually wide. Also it remains to be seen if swirling wind is going to be a problem there. Otherwise, it looks good.
  11. My recollection was that it was the gold for the helmets could not be made anymore. I remember the scuffs on Walby's helmet and they have never had the exact same gold since. I remember the logo contest. I seem to recall one was a cartoon Captain Blue with a smaller lightening bolt.
  12. I am VERY sure he was the rb coach. I sat in front of their drills MANY times in the old stadium.
  13. Kyle Walters: rb and special teams 2010-12 Richard Harris: 2006-2010 DL coach. Asst head coach and DL in 2011.
  14. They teach fundamentals and run drills. Good ones keep the guys motivated and promote pride in the unit. Kyle Walters started here as rb coach. Richard Harris was a positional coach for most of the time he was here too.
  15. So giving the paying customer what they want to see is bad business? You've just pointed out why there needs to be a protected spot on the roster for a developmental Canuck QB. Then we can draft some and have no worry they sign in the NFL first.
  16. And that's different from every other league where draft picks show up but get cut before opening day? Only the hard core fans ever even know their names. The fact remains that the "NFL possible" picks are a gamble on the future JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER PICK.
  17. CFL can't compete with the NFL on money anymore, that's the only thing wrong and it's not fixable and it's not a draft problem. The problem is GM's risking a high pick on a guy with NFL interest. I never want to see an American player draft, if a GM has a player he wants he just puts him on the neg list and even then a lot of them never come. One thing I would like is the neg list to be published but that's just because I want to know, I don't see it helping football be any better.
  18. The Stamps also have had a huge support staff which money can buy. I remember years when we were short a coach. Salary cap is for players only.
  19. If we are talking CFL one cup on 9 straight years in the playoffs is not very good. You only need to win 3 (at most) games in a row. I would think one out of 6 should be average since 6 teams make it. On the other hand 2 playoff appearances is even worse BUT it is about championships. The 70's Bombers were playoff teams but always lost and I hated it. I say gimme the two cups, the championship seasons are the ones I like to remember. NHL is easier since even one championship is so hard to win. Two in a 10 year period I dare not even dream of.
  20. Just glad to see a Bomber related article in a slow football news period. They used to write whole articles about Daley's dog so... fair game. We all read it right?
  21. Main street is a lot better than it was when there were 3 beverage rooms per block.
  22. Well I'd be surprised if Cotton made much. He had never really proved himself except in spots and just played parts of two years. Peach probably made a little more since he's a vet but I can't imagine they are going to save much. I think it's more of wanting to upgrade the talent.
  23. I remember playoffs/Grey Cup on Saturday and I liked it. If the fog bowl had been on a Sunday what would have happened? Finish it on Monday? After everyone has already gone home? They also used to play the east playoffs Saturday and the west on Sunday. I liked that better than two on one day. I'll watch them no matter when they play them but a Saturday afternoon game in late Nov was a good way to spend the day.
  24. Johnson and Hefney reunited? Interesting to see how this turns out.
  25. I kind of agree. There's so many guys that other teams will be changed too if they have a need.
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