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Everything posted by JohnnyOnTheSpot

  1. I just know that Garney Henley robbed Mack Herron in 72. Underestimate the sentimental vote at your peril. Sinopli has the better back story so draw your conclusions from that.
  2. And yet still throws for 30 completions. Not bad over two games. How about turnovers? Predictions?
  3. Maybe if our kicker insulted them and we could make a trophy... oh that's right they're not called Rough Riders anymore. A wood cookie? Seriously? I wounder if those guys will get too excited one day with that chain saw.
  4. Posters seem to be thinking signing Lirim is in the Bomber's court, in fact it is in Lirim's court and has been all season. He's yet to sign. Westwood said in the pre-game that he's kicked his last Bomber field goal and I agree.
  5. He's had a contract offer on the table all season that he doesn't want to sign. He'll go to free agency and likely be gone. I won't miss him.
  6. People keep saying we have to develop him so I'll beat a dead horse, he's a free agent in 4 games and doesn't want to sign here.
  7. I can't recall any kicker of significance that's had a year this bad. I'd say this year lumps him in with Serna and late career DeAngelis. I challenge anyone to name a good kicker who's come back from a year like this. The other thing is he is not signed on for more than 4 more games anyway. We're supposed to be careful with his ego or something? A guy who doesn't even want to be a Bomber?
  8. All this for a guy who's not even signed past the next 4 games? If he doesn't want to commit to us, why are we committed to giving him such leeway? If he doesn't want to sign let someone else finish the season b/c he won't be here anyway.
  9. Baloney. They said the same thing about Serna and we were stuck waiting for him to get consistent for 2 and a half years. I only care about him making kicks. It's the only criteria that matters in pro football. The coach needs to know he can count on those points. I say again, if he can fix it then why hasn't he? It's been going on all year.
  10. I would say bad day too if that's what it was. It's a bad season and I don't know if I trust his ability to fix it anymore. Why hasn't he?
  11. Kicking at home too. I've seen enough of this guy. Today was the just cherry on top of a terrible season.
  12. Personally I wish we'd signed Henoc and traded Hurl either now or in the off season. That said, we'll be ok without him. It's not like the bombers didn't try, according to Wiecek at least.
  13. So you would have felt comfortable giving the ball back to Calgary with a minute left needing only a single? I wouldn't have been. And I also would not have been too comfortable going to overtime against them. The call killed a drive we had extended, giving us pretty much the rest of regulation time to find a way to get to the end zone.
  14. Have to. Slim hopes but it's all we got left.
  15. Calgary still had around a minute to get one point. That's in regulation. Our best hope to win was to nickel and dime down the field and hopefully win it with a TD on that last possession. The penalty took that from us.
  16. Who would be crazy enough to bribe anyone to ensure that Calgary beats Winnipeg? Calgary ALWAYS beats Winnipeg. If it's true (and it's not) they just have exposed the officials they have in their pocket on a meaningless game. Too stupid to believe. No conspiracy, yes incompetence.
  17. Justin Palardy is made for the new convert. Deadly in close. At distance, not so much.
  18. You can be assured that the film has been watched and the "tweaks" made.
  19. Good coaches identify the reasons for under achievement and fix them.
  20. Durant same thing. I thought turf monster was supposed to be a thing of the past with the new artificials but I guess not.
  21. When you're out coached by Popp...
  22. My wife calls him Stuttermire b/c that's the only way he runs. What happened to picking a spot and committing to it? Since the injury he runs like he's scared.
  23. He was still Burris. Holding the ball forward with your arms extended when you're not on the goal line? How long has he been in the league? I thought I'd seen it all.
  24. Trash talk as a form of intimidation is accepted now unfortunately . What's not accepted and never should be is coaches hitting players, however lightly. To me it's in the same category as a player pushing a ref. Overall I miss football the way it used to be played. It was always rough but WAY fewer penalties. They say you gotta win 2 of the 3 phases of the game but the way it is now they should add a fourth phase, penalties. Who won the penalties? Do you ever look at a big play anymore and NOT check for flags? Adding more rules has not improved the game, it has made it worse.
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