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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. I wonder attitude had something to do with this. I always see Tate telling people what they should have done after the play. If they messed up, why not tell them what they did wrong so they don't do it again? *shrug*
  2. They're bringing him in for a workout... relax...
  3. MOS also seems to really like Kuale, doesn't he?
  4. I have season tickets and I don't even live in Manitoba anymore! And, for the record, I lived in Stonewall so it was a good hour home afterwards, and the people I sold them to live in Stonewall as well.
  5. I'm not going to argue semantics with you, nor will I argue your interpretation of what a steal is. Yes, and yes. Recorder. I'm going to want some compensation. K thx.
  6. Hmmm.... Wonder if anyone has called Messam a steal other than you? (I'd guess no one, but I'm not about to go through 7 pages of comments to find out) I wonder if any team has worse NI depth than the Bombers? Sorry, don't have time (or desire) to go through 8 pages (140+ posts...) of what must be repetitive bickering. One would consider a talented NI available on the open market a steal, no?
  7. Well with those ridiculously priced end zone seats I'm definitely not surprised.
  8. Well with those ridiculously priced end zone seats I'm definitely not surprised.
  9. Hmmm... wonder why Messam hasn't been signed by anyone yet if he's such a steal...
  10. "Supposedly" any tv subscriber can sign up for this. Also, apparently it is not valid in the States, johnzo. Although I suppose there are ways around that... I may have caved and inquired about Bell TV
  11. Sorry, no talk of Dorzon without the tight pants picture. Thanks.
  12. I'd buy that. I think a friend of mine asked cohon about that and he said the cfl will evolve as media evolves. Hopefully they or tsn don't miss this opportunity.
  13. Yuuup and they locked them. **** move tsn... **** move.
  14. Didn't he have a couple amazing returns last year? Or was that a different guy?
  15. Agreed - didn't each of the qbs have no two and outs? Honestly, yes I care about the back up qb being the right guy, but I'll put the trust in the coaches to make that decision at this point. Definitely no attachment to hall at this point. All and came in with a clean slate this year, and they all have a fair shot. Marve just needs to be around the cfl game more before he can be a bonefide back up (imho - and.not that brohm has much more..)
  16. Regardless of why the accident happened, a hit and run is just awful. Hopefully the family gets closure.
  17. Also, The League anyone?! And how could I forget American Horror Story, either. Hmm..
  18. God, Under the Dome was just TERRIBLE. I watched it because I too wanted to find out why the dome came down - but TERRIBLE writing, terrible acting... I don't know if I'll watch the second season, will likely just read the book (Stephen King...). From the Comic Con I watched, there would be no revival with Anderson/Duchovny, but would prefer a movie (I think). Chris Carter is involved with Amazon's attempt to rival Netflix with "The After" - http://variety.com/2014/digital/news/amazon-greenlights-6-series-including-chris-carters-the-after-and-renews-alpha-house-1201150016/ Interesting premise but that's about it. I also kind of liked Leverage for a fun (read - silly) action type show. Life is another TV show that was short-lived but good (iirc). Damien Lewis before he was a terrorist. Homeland in the first series was awesome as well.
  19. Wait... was I the only one who saw this as clear sarcasm...?
  20. Wait... was I the only one who say this as clear sarcasm...?
  21. Sometimes people just want to take a swing at an athlete. Hell I remember hearing stories in Brandon about people trying to take a swing at the tough guys on the Wheat Kings just to try and prove a point. Kane has a reputation as a tough hockey player, maybe this guy figured he either gets to brag about how he took a swing at Kane and Kane pussed out, or he gets his ass kicked and he sues this prick of a hockey player for assault. Yes thats possible but thats actually pretty rare. Plus, this guy was identified as an employee. The fact they knew each other to at least a minor extent raises the suspicion level in my mind. I dont get the "ring of truth" from Kane's story. But, the cops who investigated the matter were satisfied. End of story, no?
  22. Good idea, I'll be sharing with my Winnipeg bike users.
  23. Good article, aside from not being able to find something to refer to the group as "the bunch"
  24. Thanks for the clarification! From the Freep article: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/Bombers-release-Pencer-Robertson-262873461.html
  25. He's not even close to our worst 1st round pick ever. Exactly. Penser was just straight up released without ever starting a game (I think). Yet Etienne was... worse...?
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