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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. Didn't say all other teams....
  2. I just had to defend my point... normally I don't talk about previous regimes Fine... I'll accept that. Guess it's just the morning and all this complaining about Mack is just irritating.
  3. But Mack's gone... why keep complaining and bitching about it though?
  4. Pretty sure if you're a starter, you count as a "good" player *shrug*
  5. Hugely disappointing, but other teams draft picks have been just as lacklustre.
  6. Just curious, but where are you reading it sounds 2 - 10 games bad? “You saw the hit he took in the game,” O’Shea said. “It’s just more precautionary. I have a strong sense that Nick Moore is going to make our team. So we’ll give him the rest he needs to feel better. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2014/06/11/bombers-receiver-nick-moore-will-sit-with-back-injury-this-week? Darrin Bauming ‏@DarrinBauming 4h Nick Moore (back) and Glenn January (thumb infection) are both looking to be short-term issues. #Bombers
  7. I'm a huge user of Icefilms... I just use the plugin but a friend keeps trying to sell me on XBMC. But if isn't broke.. why fix it. I never watched Les Revenants, however a friend highly recommended The Returned to me, which is I guess the remake of it? Edit - I guess it's the same thing, different name. Hmm.
  8. I can tell ya right now, Hemlock Grove isn't worth it. Penny Dreadful isn't growing on me either. Two amazing BBC shows that I believe are on Netflix are "The Fall" and "Luther". Not on Netflix, but "In the Flesh" is fantastic as well.
  9. Well I know I watched Oz for all the naked guys... ... kidding kidding... kind of... but it was a great show.
  10. Definitely NOT a Westwood fan here. I may take a listen to see how Walby is though...
  11. I feel like it's been forever since Newsroom aired. I love the characters, pfft. When does SoA start up? Last season was intense.
  12. Thanks for posting! Glad they're posting them
  13. I have heard Qo'nos has pretty terrible internet quality...
  14. Well that's a bit dramatic! AD block plus and chrome its what I use.
  15. No problem! Haven't had tv for years so it's been a lifesaver. May have to though with a busy schedule (preventing me from watching games live at all) and TSN.ca going on apparent lockdown. =(
  16. Just checked and they do have it listed, 2 hours from now.
  17. I'm at work, but try stream2watch.me (but make sure you have a popup blocker...)
  18. See, I'm a Buffy/Angel fangirl. I liked Firefly, but definitely wasn't obsessed with it like many, and Dollhouse was super meh. Archer was one of the ones where our DVD's now sit collecting dust. The bf loves the Xbox's option to buy tv series so we bought the latest one of that which was an epic disappointment. For a light hearted comedy, I recommend Psych (dvds collecting dust again...) which is now on Netflix save for the last season or two again. I really wish Pushing Daisies was on Netflix, that was a short lived series I wouldn't mind seeing again. I tried to get into From Dusk til Dawn but the first couple episodes didn't really get me hooked. I love anything horror related though, so maybe over the summer I'll get more into it. Haven't heard anyone raving about 100 so haven't watched it, but maybe I will.
  19. Hannibal is pretty fantastic. It will be interesting to see what they do next season now. I do watch a lot of TV, not a lot of is amazing and worth recommending these days.
  20. I have to get around to watching Orange is the new Black, the SO watched s01 in a day and I haven't had the time to watch the first season without him. Still haven't really watched the second season of House of Cards either, just too busy to marathon that ****. I remember Oz, seems like that was ages ago... I do love that Netflix gives me the opportunity to watch seasons of old shows that I love (X Files, Buffy, Angel) - although it makes me bitter than I now have useless DVD's sitting on my shelf. See, I can't read fantasy at all, but recently started listening to GoT on audiobook at work. Much easier to listen to and I can tune out the.. less than exciting parts. I got impatient waiting for the show each week. I haven't gotten around to Sopranos either, something I want to do eventually...
  21. ??? I'm sure he's sleeping fine. It's been said many times that Winnipeg is one of the hardest places to startup a restaurant. If he didn't know that going into the industry, he's deserves all of it. He can feel comforted knowing: people have given them numerous opportunities to improve their service and food quality people don't like it regardless of who owns it people are going anyway because of the location without the inventory and servers, costs must be low! And the prices are so high it must have a nice profit margin.
  22. Whooooo cares who owns what, it's **** service and **** food, sorry to say. Too bad, it's a waste of a rooftop patio.
  23. Didn't know you lived out here... I miss the BDI now that it's summer & Chicken Delight. Moved last summer (where've you been, iso??) - don't know how long I'll be staying though. I play on the WWCFL team here so I think I'll be here until July next year - I think our coaches are on the CFLhorsemen forums? So close to starting a Calgary/Alberta restaurant thread, there seems to be enough MBB people here, and I have a hard time finding anything good around here that's doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I worked at Chicken Delight, sooooo I have pretty much no desire to ever eat there again I honestly cannot tell the difference between BDI and any other ice cream place. Maybe because I didn't grow up in Winnipeg?
  24. I agree. If the union really cared about the players (not the big names) - you would increase the salary cap and the minimum.
  25. Sorry I didn't have a change to look at the latest offer. I agree it's just a different way of getting to a number. I also don't have time to go through 600 posts to go through what everyone said. I have been following this from the beginning, however. I agree that raising the minimum wage is the main factor; however those getting closer to the minimum are first year players etc, and ineligible to vote in most provinces; as well, those on the union board are usually older so all they really care about is the cap. While it may not have been explicitly stated, nor from this forum (as I said I do not have time to go through all the posts), it has been said many time they get paid $x for 6 months is reasonable for the time frame they play (insinuating they have time to earn additional money). I disagree that they are living up to or past their means. Many CFL players are just down to earth guys. Hell, a friend of mine has Eric Fraser staying at his place.... If they are willing, and determined, I think some people may be surprised on their willingness to strike. People have to stop taking things so personally - just trying to show things from a different perspective. Right perspective? Maybe not, but a different one.
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