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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. Hey, I asked the question because it can go either way. Ever go to a camping event etc where it's $x per vehicle? It will also encourage carpooling *shrug* But you're right, you could probably just walk and catch the bus as well, so I suppose it would be per person.
  2. How would they know who came out of which vehicle? It's per person. ... You take $5 from each car as they enter the park n ride? Unless they're giving everyone wristbands....
  3. Is the park and ride $5 per vehicle or per person? I would assume per vehicle which is quite reasonable, however $5 per person is not excessive either. The park and rides do seem like they were the best option.
  4. Agreed! I also loved Nikos on Corydon now that I think about it.
  5. Others have said there's less action than in previous years and more teaching... so I doubt they're pushing them too hard, or substantially harder than other years. If anything, players may be balling harder with all the jobs that are open. Or... you can get hurt not going 100% in drills. You'd have to be there and watch the injuries pretty closely to see if that was the case.
  6. So, if I have this correct: - Players don't deserve revenue sharing because this is a little league compared to NFL/NHL/NBA/whatever baseball is - Players should accept their low base salaries because it's a small league, and they have nowhere else to play - Players really get paid more because they have another job in the offseason - Players have probably wasted all their money from the previous season (oh nos!!!1 but what about that supplementary income?!) - so therefore in a month they'll be begging to come back and play Just looking at things from a different perspective. Now, I'm not saying the PA's offer isn't ridiculous, because it is, and it's stupid they aren't trying to negotiate - but I also know if they concede anything during negotiations the league will take advantage of that, and I believe that is why Flory is standing so firm in that. How much they would? Remains to be seen. The league says they've moved closer, but to be honest, their offer seems like the initial offer. If they DID offer less, I can understand why that soured initial negotiations.
  7. ... Can you tell I'm homesick for Winnipeg restaurants? You can rag on them all you want, but they seem to be miles above the ones in Calgary - here service is SO much worse, I swear to god. My theory is everyone here has money and tips anyway.
  8. Bummer. It was a great little place. Went there when I got my iron ring! Good to know I'm not the only one. Just shite service and food at market burger. As for Montana's... I like my burger's not frozen and from a case, thanks. For the record, 529 Wellington's lunch burger for $11 is absolutely, hands down, without question, the best I've had in the city.
  9. I have also yet to find a place in Calgary that does nachos like C&M. So underrated, and their wing sauce is amazing. And $2.75 happy hour 4-7pm? Unbeatable for the Village.
  10. Gross about Applebee's. Tony Roma's was definitely my go-to for wings :(isn't it cheap like Sunday - Thursday?) Are you thinking about Chez Sophie? I've heard great things about their pizza and it's quite small. Not on St. Mary's though. Montana's ribs ARE good, but the rest of the menu is just crap. Definitely can't recommend them for anything but ribs. That said, you should definitely check Lovey's out.
  11. Burger joints in Stonewall? Lol. The Kiln, maybe, but nothing worth raving about. I've never been to Cravings but I guess there's COULD be good. OJ's on Grant? Never had an issue there. Maybe it's changed.
  12. See, the people I know ARE religious in every single thing they do. Don't care about Halloween. *shrug*
  13. Wellll then, that seems pretentious. I just made my friend drive it out to Stonewall when I was hungover back in April, wonder why he never mentioned it.
  14. Does the Cibo in Winnipeg have the $5 pizza happy hour they have in Calgary? It's pretty much my favourite. Places I like to hit up when I go to Winnipeg - For a "different" taste: - Bistro 7 1/4 - Deer + Almond For lunch: - 529 Wellington (very reasonably priced lunch menu for the quality) - Sun Fortune for Chinese - Line up - Carbone's ($13 for drink, salad + pizza? yes plz) For date nights: - The Current - Steppin' Out Sports/Bars: - I still like Original Joe's if I want to watch sports. You can see the game but still have a conversation. Good quality and well priced food. Compared to the ones in Calgary, miles above. - King's Head if it's not a busy night Market Burger is possibly the combination of worst service + food value ever. They seem terrible at stocking food so are "out" of their features all the damn time. I have a friend who is obsessed with this place and I just cannot stand it. I used to think Unburger was bad until I went there; now Unburger is quite a welcome change.
  15. Funny related story... a girl on our football team who is quite tiny eats double macs all the time. Orders two big macs and only has one bun. Calls it half carbing it. Also only bits half the fry and throws out the rest. Also works her ass off. If that's what you eat, you just have to work harder, she says
  16. Do you know what a jersey devil is? The only people who fight "real" jersey devils are Mulder and Scully on the X-Files. Do Catholic folks also object to tasmanian devils? Devil's food cakes? Dust devils? I died laughing. Thank you. The most catholic people I know have no issue with Halloween. If your catholic acquaintances do, it is not due to religion.
  17. I just want to say, Madani intentionally will post things solely to get a rise out of people, even if he doesn't believe/agree with them.
  18. Thanks for the updates on Bilukidi and Mulamba.
  19. Hasn't played a game yet and already has chips for him... Impressive.
  20. Word is, he agreed for her to record his conversations or something: http://ftw.usatoday.com/2014/05/v-stiviano-says-she-recorded-donald-sterling-to-help-him-learn-things-about-himself?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+UsatodaycomSports-TopStories+%28USATODAY+-+Sports+Top+Stories%29
  21. Old people actually...
  22. This "2 new active roster players" thing is being misinterpreted by a lot of people, fans and players alike. There are no new costs associated with the 2 new roster spots, they're simply expanding the game day roster from 42 to 44 and decreasing the size of the reserve roster from 4 to 2. It's still 46 game cheques being handed out (the players on the 4 man reserve get a game cheque too) it's just that teams can now dress 2 extra players instead of paying them to stand in civvies on the sideline. Thanks for the clarification. Is there a different "minimum" for non active players?
  23. I DO agree that the CFLPA's proposal is off base as well.
  24. Just sayin'... a lot or reports I've heard (Stephen Brunt, Madani) say the league is the one being "bullies". I think the issue, for me, is: - increasing base salary by 5K - 5 *42 = 210,000 - add two new active roster players - let's say @ 50k - $100000 Note - Those base changes is $310,000 of the $400,000 increase. Now, how many are at the "new" base salary now (aka around $50k). Will their salaries automatically increase by $5k? - consider how much the salaries of the "big name" players are increasing - definitely not $1000 per year. I'd LOVE to see the median salary. I think the owners will just throw the extra money at a few players (which will likely happen regardless of the # of the cap) - only about half the players can vote on this - the vets that make more money. - yes the league IS smaller - but they still are bringing in a ton of TV revenue now - and ANY league with that much tv revenue has revenue sharing.
  25. Seems simple, so I ask you this,,, this morning, I read and commented on an article about one of our own team members…Glenn January, and his comments. Then I return after 8 hours or so, to find no one seems to have read the article, or have incorporated into any outstanding threads. Comments such as these: "I've talked to the guys and there's a lot of guys very excited about seeing this process through," January said in a telephone interview Wednesday. "I don't think there's any question we will have a yes to a strike vote and I'd be surprised if it's not close to 90 per cent." He's one of our own, I would have though his comments were newsworthy and worth discussing. To be honest... I don't read news articles in general. Don't have the time. But yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the strike vote, which rookies can't partake in, would be close to 90%. If that were in the main board, I'd assume people would just call him greedy etc etc.
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