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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. If it's newsworthy and worth discussing, I assume it would make it to the main board.
  2. I am just so confused how Stirling's mistress is clearly not white, and he owns an NBA team... how racist can he be? Combined with his comments he just sounds nuts.
  3. There are other sites? Oops. Good job everyone!
  4. From Cohon - http://www.cfl.ca/article/canadian-football-league-makes-offer-to-players
  5. I actually like the raspberry beer they have here - Wraspberry Ale from Wild Rose.
  6. The past few years our offense has been horrendous in general, can't really pinpoint Etienne and say "this guy is terrible". It will be interesting to see what he does in Saskatchewan (although with everyone they've lost....).
  7. ... accept someone who is not accepting of people that are naturally born with a different sexual preference? Oh ok. I agree with u, but some people don't accept / believe people are born gay/lesbian. Me? I believe people are born straight/gay/lesbian/ furries. What I find pretty interesting is that most of these same people that are against gay men, tend not to make any noise when it's two girls in relationship. And I HIGHLY doubt they practice everything from their religion. One of my best friends is quite religious, and it reflects in every single thing she does, and I'm positive she would be very accepting if I came out and said I was a lesbian. Well, to a point, she would accept ME, but might not agree with my decision/may not agree that I was born that way. I'm not sure. She sure as heck wouldn't post it on Twitter!
  8. if you ever played a sport, being called a ****** isn't even that bad actually. I have, thank you very much. Doesn't make it ok.
  9. ? Sorry, a person being called a fagg*t has every right to be offended. Just because you aren't, doesn't mean other aren't as well.
  10. ... accept someone who is not accepting of people that are naturally born with a different sexual preference? Oh ok.
  11. I hear you, but it doesn't make it okay in the slightest. My heart goes out to all the teens out there struggling with understanding their own sexuality. The furor raised everywhere (Twitter, Facebook, TV, newspapers, message boards) over something as innocent as an on-screen smooch does not help any of these kids come to terms with who they are. But at the same time, it's better than when no one was coming out at all. In fact, I think most people have been overwhelmingly supportive of him. Yeah there's more than a few bad eggs, but I think the good outweighs the bad. Maybe I'm just optimistic?
  12. I'm sure Michael Sam could give two shits about what Price or anyone else has to say.
  13. It'll be interesting to see Kuale "run around and smash people"....
  14. Thank god I only turned in for the first bit on the radio. Sounds awful.
  15. This guy is still on the roster.... http://www.bluebombers.com/roster/show/id/6413 I remember liking this guy before he got hurt (if it's the same guy). And I don't think I've seen a happier looking photo.
  16. If he "waits him out' but Lulay's injury becomes more apparent or he sustains an injury, he has to pay more. That said, it was the 4th or 5th overall? That seems pretty high as well. Was a player included? I can't remember, it happened so quickly. My favourite part was just before Glenn was traded, Schultz going on about how professional Glenn was, how he's fine with Burris in Ottawa, and how he'd be a Redblack come summer. Welllllll....
  17. Oh, I see absolutely nothing wrong with the trade. Especially with all the picks they had in the third, and in a thin draft year as you said. Seems like a great move to me...
  18. Overpaying? What rounds are you talking about here. They wanted the guy and had to move up to get him. Give Walters a break! In fairness, overpaying was in quotes If they had him higher on their charts, the actual pick # doesn't matter (ie whatever # they had Briggs at, that's kind of the pick they traded for, ya know?).
  19. I did mean late in the day! I knew it was later due to the draft, but I never remember it being so late in the day.
  20. Was the draft always so late...?
  21. Well -I- loved it. They were so cute together!
  22. Not surprising. Seems like a good guy but didn't have much success here. ETA: I'd be impressed if they were able to trade him for anything...
  23. Thanks guys, definitely helps. I can't even find the games on demand from tsn at all.
  24. ... That I can torrent? The wwcfl season kicks off Saturday and we have a woman that has never watched a whole game before! So that's on the agenda for tomorrow, and I'd appreciate a few ideas! Preferably a Bomber game, in which they either dominate, or is just plain exciting. If they beat the Stamps or BC, even better ;-) I am the WORST with dates/games, but that playoff (I think) against BC when they came back to win it? 2004 maybe? YouTube links work as well. Usually I'd just grab one from tsn, but word on the street that's tougher now? Thanks! And if anyone in Calgary wants to come out Saturday, dooooo it. The Winnipeg team is playing in Regina (Mosaic!) Sunday otherwise I'd strongly encourage that :-)
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