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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. Omg, there's a town called Yonkers.
  2. Lacrosse perhaps?
  3. I think they'd go for that... they love cougars, right?! And you can make an awesome pre-game meal?!
  4. Color me surprised. ETA: Although, the person who bought my seasons happily renewed (and are Rider fans...), so maybe I am misinterpreting all the angst I'm feeling from fans? The gameday experience still doing it for people? Maybe they just love to revel in the Bomber's despair? ETAA: Although, they haven't made any sort of actual announcement... didn't they make tons last year pumping up season ticket sales? It'll be interesting to see final numbers if they post them.
  5. Walters has said numerous times that Mike O'Shea is choosing the coaching staff.
  6. His long-term girlfriend also lives in Winnipeg. Good, Winnipeg chicks should really work harder on locking some of these guys down.... Jacquie?
  7. Great news, excited to get him back - we didn't own his rights anymore right? So he chose to come back. Says a lot about him and the team, Imo.
  8. I'm tired of this Palardy was released was a bad decision. CRUCIAL illegal kickoffs? No thank you. Now DeAngelis wasn't much better, so good riddance. Signing Turner is awesome. Fingers crossed he stays healthy (that terrifying chest thing last year? Yeesh) and has many more all star seasons for us.
  9. Actually, if that's the case, that's the perfect way to expose somebody, knowing what the situation is. By protecting him, they would have exposed someone else….maybe somebody they didn't know what the situation would be. If true, it's the smart thing to have done. I disagree, if someone wants to leave yes leave them unprotected. But, when you're extremely weak at Canadian talent its a pretty big risk to leave one of your best players open. It won't be as easy as getting him to sign the same contract he had agreed upon, its extremely plausible someone outbids us or drives up the price in free agency. The risk just wouldn't be worth the reward in protecting Kohlert over say Volny in round three IMO. I'm not sure why this is surprising. Walters made it obvious this was his plan. To be honest, it was the first I'd heard of Kohlert not wanting to stay here, and from the sounds of the WFP that was bs anyway. How can you say "they should have protected Kohlert over Volny" when you don't know the protected lists? Not to mention they already have how many FBs? I admit when I heard Kohlert called, I was a little "..." - but quickly got over it. If he was going to leave, he was going to leave regardless.
  10. Didn't he miss most of the season with PCS? Ottawa didn't get many guys who are without pretty major question marks, although the talent level isn't bad. Which I find ironic, as the TSN panel was touting them as all guys with a long way to go on their careers and no injury history..
  11. So how many FA's did they end up choosing?
  12. ?? We didn't protect Kohlert...?
  13. I think NI part will be the most interesting (damaging?) to some teams.
  14. Yes...you've missing all the moves that have gone on behind the scenes. You've missed the scouting department upgrade...etc. etc. etc. It is obvious you have no idea what a GM does on a daily basis.**** right off, you're entirely missing the point. So you know how well he's done on all those behind the scenes decisions?
  15. Nothing, but does that tell you for sure he's the guy that's going to lead us to success? That's all I'm saying. I will say, he has done nothing to make me doubt that he is perfectly capable. Jeez, chill out.
  16. Exactly. Right now, what moves has he done, really? Buck Pierce trade? Hall to Sask for Neufeld and a pick swap? Lots of pressers? Good HC pick up? Anything else? (genuinely wondering if I've missed anything major...)
  17. I'd give it a few more moves before you say he's got a very good grasp on things. Not saying he doesn't, but let's see how things shake out a bit, eh? He is saying all the right things.
  18. So? Anyone go? I did send a few lackeys, not sure they'll find anything.
  19. Before that I think Let's just say a lot of Saints made mistakes last night
  20. I heard Akiem Hicks get a shout out on MNF last night (out of Regina).
  21. I somewhat disagree. If a guy is talented, smart, and most of all athletic - they will look at him. I'm not sure that it's so much of a stigma if he's getting workouts. Fair enough. Still seems like a disadvantage to me, having to learn the game, the nuances, the things most Americans would learn from HS thru to college and the pros. But hey, I've never played or coached - what do I know! In that notion - some of the Canucks have the "pro" experience of the CFL that appeals - and been successful.
  22. I somewhat disagree. If a guy is talented, smart, and most of all athletic - they will look at him. I'm not sure that it's so much of a stigma if he's getting workouts.
  23. Good for him. I don't think anyone should stand in the way of the players at least TRYING to pursue the NFL. I agree though - he'll be in tough.
  24. Not surprised - hopefully he can buckle down and get some stuff down. This off season is going to go by fast.
  25. Thanks Jaxon, that was the first firsthand account of the GC I've heard so far. The locals only thing really bugs me - even when it was in BC it wasn't that bad (although I did get told off for being "too" loud when their team was on offense... hello, my team was on defense? I did have an air horn though...). Half the fun is hanging out with people you see once a year. And while we could have driven, had family/friends to stay with, it just wasn't worth it. And yes, Vegas was much more fun, although a b!tch to find a place to watch the game with sound without paying $100, so we got a 1200 sq ft suite for $100 (how much were hotels in Regina? If yours didn't get cancelled on you?) and watched it there. Suck it, Regina!
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