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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. Well that's a suspect reason.
  2. I almost completely forgot the Ticats were homeless. Another tick in the Ticats column. Anyone who gets upset about some terrible internet trolls probably need to back off the computer a while.
  3. By that token... should you not be jealous of almost every other team for simply having their act together? Why the Riders in particular?
  4. I'm torn about whether Saskatchewan is really that good, or is Calgary OL THAT bad/decimated by injuries. Plus, they GIFTED Sask with the turnovers.
  5. That said, I use the term "cheering" loosely, regardless.
  6. Not going this year, going with a great group of Grey Cup-goers to Vegas. No one wanted to pay inflated hotel prices to party with Rider fans. I'm tired of this home team blows their wad to get to the GC trend, so I'm rooting for Hamilton.
  7. Hmmmmm Hall: will play out the season, going to leave immediately after, Bombers have proven to have reasonable depth on the DL Neufeld: Canadian, OL (our OL is GOD AWFUL), not sure the length of his contract but at least a season left. Bombers CLEARLY need this over another DL for the remainder of one of the most piss poor seasons in recent memory. The second for fourth makes up for the gaping discrepancies in the type of player and their contracts, plain and simple. "It's not about Neufeld" is just ridiculous. HE'S ONE OF TWO PLAYERS IN THE TRADE, ffs.
  8. I've been watching more Edmonton than Jets game by chance lately; Hall is playing terribly right now.
  9. Wow. So many people don't get it. Who gives a damn that he would have gone to Ottawa? He wouldn't have come here. Must we make list of all the failed 2nd rounders in the past? Straight away he's a "safer" bet than those guys to play right away. Most people here have praised Walters for his knowledge of CIS football and Canadian talent - and now there's a bunch of experts crying out now? Just seemed stupid to me.
  10. I didn't realize it was giving up a second round.... But I think Walters is going to make some moves for other draft picks by the time it comes around, so I'm not worried. I thought Neufeld had a few issues with injury which was holding him back. It'll be interesting to see when/if he plays this week
  11. I still can't believe they put him back in the game, even for one play.
  12. I love the chat room, IF I'm able to go in and chat during the game. Sometimes you guys have interesting insight into plays/penalties etc (and other times it's just drunk gibberish....) which on occasion used to go into game day threads. I miss the insight on the many times I'm not watching a game live. However, even if there IS a game day thread, no one will post there as there as the are all in chat, so it seems like it will be pretty empty. Everyone who wants to read stuff after, you're not the ones who would post DURING the game, and the people online who would post DURING the game are in chat. See the dilemma? I also am with the 'anyone can make a thread' group so in the end why is this an issue at all...? You just NEED a mod to do it? On OB wasn't it just a random person?
  13. I am almost positive not a single person thought a QB coach would be a BAD thing - and Crowton was NEVER a QB specialist. Who would be that stupid? Come on now, don't try and twist things to act all high and mighty now all of our "they have potential" guys aren't showing any..
  14. Haven't bought tickets but plan to, and am wondering the same thing.
  15. I'll be happy if we destroy their OL... but here's hoping they don't do it to ours as well. The Edmonton DL is pretty strong and kept Levi Mitchell on his toes for at least the first half last game.
  16. He's one of the best RBs in the CFL, so yes, he is "the real deal". TSN overhypes anything Saskatchewan so I don't know why you're surprised. Good thing is, he'll probably leave for the NFL next year.
  17. Ugh! Guy's a nutbar. I can see Calgary wanting to pawn him off though...
  18. WAIT.... you guys are suggesting trade for the worst OL on the worst (or second worst...) OL in the league? What are you guys smoking? I'm genuinely curious.
  19. http://www.cfl.ca/article/down-and-out-calvillo-placed-on-nine-game-injured-list With it being a head injury... I highly doubt we'll see him back next year And I completely missed the other thread on this. Woops.
  20. Hey, you can have your preference and opinion (I could care less about either of them... the apathy is strong here), but DONE is quite extreme.
  21. If the team was playing well, sell outs would be a lot closer. Also, the endzone seats weren't THAT awful when I went. My upper deck seats are definitely better though, so the cost seems crazy. Any chance of them lowering ticket prices for those sections? Basically it just sounds like Hamilton's cheaper, therefore it's better. I have a head time seeing that... but that's just me. Winnipeg definitely went more "NFL" style compared to small and intimate like Montreal for ex.
  22. You've seen Hall for one game and you're declaring him done in favour of these Ticat/Rider castoffs? Oh ok then.
  23. We're screwed - and not because of Goltz... but if (when?) he gets hurt....
  24. Bob Cameron? Two...
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