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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. I think the only thing I'd be ok with is 2 point converts from a bit closer. The no contact with receivers... ludicrous.
  2. i'll admit, I was surprised to hear Matthew's name last night. Had no idea he had been activated. Great news for him - and it is good for the CFL too. Seeing guys come up here to "kickstart" their career again is always good.
  3. Great news if true.
  4. ? No homophobic in the least. Ironic...... maybe.
  5. Sorry, got the better of me. FWIW, I feel this is as good a time as any to let you know I often read your SN without the 'b'
  6. I'll pay it - but I highly doubt most of my friends will. That's what sucks.
  7. That temp seating will be snatched up in no time.
  8. Comparatively - endzone tickets (presumably) were $179 in Regina. "General admission tickets for Canada’s largest sporting event being held in Saskatchewan will range from $149-$349 for season ticket holders and from $179 to $399 for non-season ticket holders"
  9. Although, I suppose where P6, kind of lies in the same as the $350... ETA - that's a good point I suppose.
  10. So you're saying endzone tickets are $199 for "committed" STH's and $299 for the general public? So, double the cost of this year's GC?
  11. Grey Cup tickets seem obscene this year. $400 for the P6 seats are ludicrous. Endzone tickets in BC are $150. Do you have a list of the associated tickets/pricing? It looks like they FINALLY came to their senses and dropped the endzone ticket pricing for the regular season. I can't renew mine for three years because I'm not even sure where I'll be living then.. soooo great knowing we'll have to play inflated GC pricing.
  12. Oh - and is Chariot available on the 360?
  13. I'll shamelessly say PvZ GW - if she likes "easy" shooters - or any of the Telltale Games. Oh - Guacamelee is fun, and should be cheap.
  14. Different strokes for different folks. Although, you, like I, enjoy Boardwalk Empire so clearly we have some similar taste (although I have not watched past ep 6 this season - so shh!).
  15. If anything I'm hating on Lawless and that super idiot Westwood That's what I was referring to, "brother".
  16. And speaking of controllers - I find the PS4 ones very uncomfortable. And really, Xbox One - batteries still? Come on.
  17. I just saw this! The boyfriend is an avid gamer, so we have all three. We mostly settle on the Xbox One, but he needed (wanted....) the PS4 for The Last of Us remastered. He's obscenely addicted to Destiny, and there's a core group of them that play online (nightly....) if anyone needs a group to play with. Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros coming out has rekindled the Wii U love. You gotta admit they have more "exclusive" games than either Xbone or Ps4, and most games have moved away from split screen gaming (aka not sitting alone in your basement) - and we've had a few Wii U parties over the past few days. ... I also have an unhealthy love of PvZ Garden Warfare and Minecraft (Xbox One). The Telltale games are great as well, although relatively linear. The Wolf Among Us was great, and the Game of Thrones one just came out yesterday.
  18. I didn't read the comics. But I love the series. Though I think the killing of major characters is sometimes done for shock value more than their claim of "the story led us there".I'm not even comparing it to the comics (which full warning, I do love). It's only drama for drama's sake and it makes me want to gouge my eyes out. But people, you included, obviously still love it Soooo... That's great for amc. Having never read the comics, I'm curious how closely the show follows them? Do they deviate from the primary story much? If you've read the comics, are you not really surprised by what happens in the show? It's different - different people die etc - I'm firmly of the belief it is for shock value/to mix it up for the readers. The show is painfully slow. What I love about the comics isn't necessarily what happens - but how they make you connect with the characters without tons of boring as hell dialogue. That Darryl/Beth crud was nigh unwatchable.
  19. I didn't read the comics. But I love the series. Though I think the killing of major characters is sometimes done for shock value more than their claim of "the story led us there". I'm not even comparing it to the comics (which full warning, I do love). It's only drama for drama's sake and it makes me want to gouge my eyes out. But people, you included, obviously still love it Soooo... That's great for amc.
  20. Thanks! I know there must be a ton of awesome "non-American" tv shows out there, I love getting some recommendations. That reminds me, I'm trucking through Dr. Who right now as well, and rewatching Supernatural when we can.
  21. Oh, and The Fall has started up again, and I still love it.
  22. Just to address what you said earlier, although everyone else seemed to just move on from it, it kind of made me want to bang my head on a wall. I'm not going to call you a bigot, only ignorant. Being gay is not abnormal - it may seem abnormal to YOU because you are clearly straight. But what is normal for one person is absolutely not the norm for an other.
  23. ... they would automatically lose their jobs so I highly doubt that. Calm down with the hate, eh?
  24. What crap TWD has become. Can't tell which is worse, the writing or the acting.
  25. Yeah didn't it "break" during the presentation? That **** looked woooobbly.
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